latest 133.0 version (build #2016057495)
Webpages displayed way to big, and cannot be resized using two fingers or zoom option I'm using a Samsung Galaxy TAB8
Webpages displayed way to big, and cannot be resized using two fingers or zoom option I'm using a Samsung Galaxy TAB8
ask how to turn off automatic firefox update on android
For context: I have a Xiaomi phone. It was normal with a transparent background before. Helppp it looks ugly
How do I sign into my firefox account on a new device
Bonjour Madame Monsieur, Afin d'utiliser Firefox je désire connaître vos conditions de confidentialités pour ne pas avoir de phishing. Car j'ai déjà été victime d'usurp… (read more)
Bonjour Madame Monsieur, Afin d'utiliser Firefox je désire connaître vos conditions de confidentialités pour ne pas avoir de phishing. Car j'ai déjà été victime d'usurpations de données personnelles. Merci
Hi, Suddenly google browser went extremely zoom out, very tiny carachters. Looks like a desktop version. Can’t switch it back to how it was before. A google browser stan… (read more)
Suddenly google browser went extremely zoom out, very tiny carachters. Looks like a desktop version. Can’t switch it back to how it was before. A google browser standard mobile view.
Can you help fixing it?
Thanks, Alec
I’m being asked to update my browser. Thought it was automatic. How do I do this? Using iPad iOS Version 17.7.2.
I am attempting to delete/edit saved addresses on my Firefox iOS app, because it's somehow piled up a bunch of addresses that I've used over the years that aren't mine or… (read more)
I am attempting to delete/edit saved addresses on my Firefox iOS app, because it's somehow piled up a bunch of addresses that I've used over the years that aren't mine or are outdated work addresses, and I cannot find a way to edit them.
Every time I go to Settings > Addresses, it gives me the checkbox to turn it on/off, and lists a dozen or two addresses. No matter what I tap/click/swipe, nothing happens and I cannot delete or edit any of the saved addresses.
Is this a glitch or am I missing something?
Can’t open the dmg file after download it!
How can the shortcuts I created on the home page be rearranged in android.
I usually disable search AND browsing history, so when I started using this I thought I could disable it but I couldn’t figure out how to disable those.
Since an update I get "unlock firefox" when logging in to apps. It used to offer suggestions. I have to load firefox then settings passwords and search for the user/passw… (read more)
Since an update I get "unlock firefox" when logging in to apps. It used to offer suggestions. I have to load firefox then settings passwords and search for the user/password name and copy! Why ?
I am constantly getting videos of pop-up when I’m in the app. How do you stop these video ads?
Do I need a Firefox update
Disregard.**** I have a lot of Folders Full of bookmarks and I can't find them and It seems like a lot of bookmarks, not in folders are also missing. I am on… (read more)
I have a lot of Folders Full of bookmarks and I can't find them and It seems like a lot of bookmarks, not in folders are also missing. I am on iPhone 11 Pro Max iOS 17 XX. You need suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you. "Solved"
Firefox will not quit or operate or uninstall
How can i get my bookmarks on android fone back ?
'how do i block pop up windows
Just updated Firefox to version 132.1 on my iPhone and now all of my tabs are gone. Going to history and trying to restore previous session doesn’t work and my history do… (read more)
Just updated Firefox to version 132.1 on my iPhone and now all of my tabs are gone. Going to history and trying to restore previous session doesn’t work and my history does not go back far enough to get my previously opened tabs back. Is there anyway to restore them?
Hi, Could you lease tell me how to update my Firefox. iPad current Firefox version is 132.1 and with this version I was denied service at my chase mobile bank. They requi… (read more)
Hi, Could you lease tell me how to update my Firefox. iPad current Firefox version is 132.1 and with this version I was denied service at my chase mobile bank. They required most recent version and I can’t figure out how to ask Firefox to update itself. It usually happens automatically so I never really paid attention. Thank you Andrew