closing tabs sometimes open the tab above or below
Closing tabs on android, whether i swipe them away, or tap the X, will sometimes, but not always, unintentionally open the tab above or below (not sure of tattern here either).
This behavior is eating a lot of mobile data if i want to close a lot of tabs, since the browser will then often open and reload a good portion of the tabs I'm about to close.
This is the main reason I'm not using Firefox on mobile.
Closing tabs on android, whether i swipe them away, or tap the X, will sometimes, but not always, unintentionally open the tab above or below (not sure of tattern here either).
This behavior is eating a lot of mobile data if i want to close a lot of tabs, since the browser will then often open and reload a good portion of the tabs I'm about to close.
This is the main reason I'm not using Firefox on mobile.