display issue on LinkedIn pages
On LinkedIn some ellipsis/see more buttons are not properly displayed, for instance in "About" sections. See attachment, I took the screenshot on both Firefox (133.0.3/Ubuntu) and Chromium.
The offending html code is this
<button class="inline-show-more-text__button inline-show-more-text__button--light link" aria-expanded="false" role="button" type="button"> …see more </button>
On LinkedIn some ellipsis/see more buttons are not properly displayed, for instance in "About" sections.
See attachment, I took the screenshot on both Firefox (133.0.3/Ubuntu) and Chromium.
The offending html code is this
<span class="inline-show-more-text__link-container-collapsed">
<button class="inline-show-more-text__button
link" aria-expanded="false" role="button" type="button">
…see more