Spellcheck keeps flagging properly spelled words, and judging by the suggestions, these words aren't even in its lexicon
Recently, as I was writing a comment, spellcheck flagged "sexualized" and "unrelatable" as being spelled incorrectly. And when I looked at the list of words it was sugges… (read more)
Recently, as I was writing a comment, spellcheck flagged "sexualized" and "unrelatable" as being spelled incorrectly. And when I looked at the list of words it was suggesting, and didn't see these words, I had to google them just to make sure these were official dictionary words, and not regarded as slang or something (like the word appearify, coined, apparently, by the homestuck creator). These aren't "bad" words either. I mean, I assumed that maybe "sexualized" wasn't included for some sort of censorship reason, but "unrelatable" ? How old is the dictionary Firefox is running its spellcheck through?