Disable timeout for "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" screen
I noticed that, since a couple of months, my Mozilla Firefox 133.0b6 (64-bit on Arch Linux) introduced a delay between the moment when you uncover the "Advanced" section in the "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" screen, and the time you can actually accept and dismiss the warning. This is implemented by disabling the button.
I work very comfortably with keyboard, and my daily job is a constant navigation to some private IP address, log into a network device which uses some kind of self-signed certificate, do stuff, move on to the next device. Unfortunately, there is no single CA that I can import in the browser to avoid this. All device have their own self-signed certificate.
The acceptance of the warning is only limited to some quick key presses:
``` <tab> <enter> <tab> <tab> <tab> <enter> ```
The problem is that it has been introduced a timeout very recently, during which the "accept" button is disabled. The timeout is relatively short, but I would like to disable it completely, if possible.
Thank you in advance