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Log ins lost every time I start FireFox - only started happening recently.

I've checked a couple of the "similar topics" before posting here. I'm not sure if I am having the same problem or something else. Back Story: I have a "few" windows an… (read more)

I've checked a couple of the "similar topics" before posting here. I'm not sure if I am having the same problem or something else.

Back Story: I have a "few" windows and tabs open in FireFox. I would finish what I was doing, shut down and then the next time I booted up and loaded FireFox, all sessions would be restored and all log ins honoured (kept). That is: I was still logged in.

(Moving to now) Yesterday I powered up and ALL sites were logged out. About 20 log ins were needed. Hmmmmm... gmail, and the rest.

"Ok... something happened. No problems, things should be ok from now. I've logged in, so all is sweet."

Today I power up: All logs ins lost. Had to go through it all again.

Gmail is throwing security alerts at me hand over fist. Yeah, that is good in some ways. I get that part. But I've logged in.

Seems - my thoughts - that the cookies aren't being saved. But why? I haven't touched them or their settings.

Yes, I did do a clean out of older cookies. But left the gmail ones, and other sites I know I use. I have `adblocker ultimate` installed.

Now I am logged in, if I open the `cookies` and look I should see them there for the sites to which I am logged in - yes?

To be clear: When I am done, I do NOT `exit` FireFox. All windows, tabs, sessions are left. I just shut down the machine. Then next time I load FireFox and they are re-loaded and log ins are maintained.

Asked by teeny_weeny 2 years ago

Answered by cor-el 2 years ago

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My firefox keeps crashing

For the past two months, my Firefox Linux keeps crashing. I don't know why. Here's the text from the Mozilla Crash Reporter window that pops up after Fox crashes: Access… (read more)

For the past two months, my Firefox Linux keeps crashing. I don't know why.

Here's the text from the Mozilla Crash Reporter window that pops up after Fox crashes: Accessibility: Active AdapterDeviceID: 0x5917 AdapterDriverVendor: mesa/iris AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterVendorID: 0x8086 Add-ons:,,,,%40contain-facebook:2.3.11,,%7B7a7a4a92-a2a0-41d1-9fd7-1e92480d612d%7D:1.5.41,%40testpilot-containers:8.1.3,magnolia%4012.34:,%7Ba6c4a591-f1b2-4f03-b3ff-767e5bedf4e7%7D:0.5.0,,,,,,,,,,,, AvailablePageFile: 0 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 824360960 AvailableSwapMemory: 2147479552 AvailableVirtualMemory: 9762406400 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20231211174248 ContentSandboxCapabilities: 119 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 4 CrashTime: 1703535161 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 DesktopEnvironment: x-cinnamon EMCheckCompatibility: true ExperimentalFeatures: network.cookie.sameSite.noneRequiresSecure,layout.css.grid-template-masonry-value.enabled,devtools.inspector.compatibility.enabled GpuSandboxLevel: 0 GraphicsNumActiveRenderers: 4 GraphicsNumRenderers: 5 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1703210473 IsWayland: 0 LastStartupWasCrash: 0 LinuxUnderMemoryPressure: 0 Notes: Linux Mint 21.2FP(D00-L1000-W0000000-T010) WR? WR+ EGL? EGL- GL Context? GL Context+ WebGL? WebGL+ ProductID: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} ProductName: Firefox RDDProcessStatus: Running ReleaseChannel: release SafeMode: 0 SecondsSinceLastCrash: 1545 StartupCacheValid: 1 StartupCrash: 0 StartupTime: 1703533821 SubmittedFrom: Client TelemetryEnvironment: {"build":{"applicationId":"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}","applicationName":"Firefox","architecture":"x86-64","buildId":"20231211174248","version":"121.0","vendor":"Mozilla","displayVersion":"121.0","platformVersion":"121.0","xpcomAbi":"x86_64-gcc3","updaterAvailable":true},"partner":{"distributionId":null,"distributionVersion":null,"partnerId":null,"distributor":null,"distributorChannel":null,"partnerNames":[]},"system":{"memoryMB":15880,"virtualMaxMB":null,"cpu":{"extensions":["hasMMX","hasSSE","hasSSE2","hasSSE3","hasSSSE3","hasSSE4_1","hasSSE4_2","hasAVX","hasAVX2","hasAES"]},"os":{"name":"Linux","version":"5.15.0-91-generic","locale":"en-CA"},"hdd":{"profile":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null},"binary":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null},"system":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null}},"gfx":{"D2DEnabled":null,"DWriteEnabled":null,"ContentBackend":"Skia","Headless":false,"EmbeddedInFirefoxReality":null,"TargetFrameRate":60,"adapters":[{"description":"Mesa 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This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

Asked by Mozilla cheese 1 year ago

Last reply by Mozilla cheese 1 year ago

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FIle-picker window on one of my machines is much larger than my display

The file-picker (when I choose any file related operation such as Open File, Save As, etc) on just one of my machines is far larger than my desktop size (and the window a… (read more)

The file-picker (when I choose any file related operation such as Open File, Save As, etc) on just one of my machines is far larger than my desktop size (and the window appears not to be resizable).

When I trigger any such operation I'm presented with what looks like a blank screen as I a shown part of the vast unused area of this oversized window. If I force my wm to allow me to move the window I can use the file picker with a lot of painful repeated scrolling around but otherwise it's unusable.

Any idea why firefox might be doing this or where it might have cached the file picker size? There doesn't appear to be anything related in about:config or userprefs.js

Starting up in trubleshooting mode doesn't have any effect on this.

Asked by ersatzmaus 1 year ago

Last reply by ersatzmaus 1 year ago

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Rpg Mo doesnt work right in my browser, how can i fix that?

when I try to click drop down menus on rpg mo, like settings/game options or anything in the gear drop down menu it wont let me click. I can't play rpg mo is there a reas… (read more)

when I try to click drop down menus on rpg mo, like settings/game options or anything in the gear drop down menu it wont let me click. I can't play rpg mo is there a reason for this like is it not html they are using but it works on windows? I am using suse linux leap.

Asked by eric.justin.allan 1 year ago

Last reply by zeroknight 1 year ago

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Firefox manual update with Linux Ubuntu

I have a System 76 laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The LTS (Long Term Support) ended years ago with Firefox 66. All of that works fine still. My problem is: 1. The worl… (read more)

I have a System 76 laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The LTS (Long Term Support) ended years ago with Firefox 66. All of that works fine still. My problem is: 1. The world is telling me to upgrade my browser. 2. Mozilla tells me "Note: If you use your Linux distribution's packaged version of Firefox, you will need to wait for an updated package to be released to its package repository. This article only applies if you installed Firefox manually (without using your distribution's package manager)." 3. There will never be an updated package because LTS has ended. 4. IS THERE A WAY TO MANUALLY INSTALL A NEWER BROWSER LIKE FIREFOX 123?

Asked by Jim 11 months ago

Answered by Jim 11 months ago

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Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible

I am having trouble to open firefox browser for ubuntu 20.04(focal). I have also delete mozilla folder from cache and then reinstalled again. I have tried to rename pro… (read more)

I am having trouble to open firefox browser for ubuntu 20.04(focal). I have also delete mozilla folder from cache and then reinstalled again. I have tried to rename profileini file. Finally I have uninstall and install using terminal by "sudo apt install firefox" but still I am getting this error "Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible".

How to resolve this.

Thanks in advance.

Asked by ms.sona.12 1 year ago

Last reply by cor-el 1 year ago

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Firefox shows red tint in images that I upload

When I upload an image with Firefox, it typically shows a red tint. I've seen similar reports from decades ago so I disabled `gfx.color_management.mode` in `about:config`… (read more)

When I upload an image with Firefox, it typically shows a red tint. I've seen similar reports from decades ago so I disabled `gfx.color_management.mode` in `about:config`, but that didn't help, even after restarting the browser and the computer. I disabled a couple of related settings, but that also didn't help. What else could I try?

Asked by leonhard 1 year ago

Last reply by zeroknight 1 year ago

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Helvetica font renders blank after updating to 112 via snap store

After running `snap refresh firefox`, many sites I use no longer render any text. Via some fiddling via the developer console, it appears to be that any text with `font… (read more)

After running `snap refresh firefox`, many sites I use no longer render any text.

Via some fiddling via the developer console, it appears to be that any text with `font-family: Helvetica`. Removing that CSS restores the text, adding it removes the text.

There's a fix for CVE-2023-29537 in this release that affects font initialization - possibly related?

Asked by daniel270 1 year ago

Last reply by cor-el 1 year ago

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Hardware Video Encoding seems broken on Arch Linux with an AMD RX 7800 XT

I have a problem where if I install the packages needed to get hardware video decoding working in firefox it completely breaks YouTube playback. I can't find any info on … (read more)

I have a problem where if I install the packages needed to get hardware video decoding working in firefox it completely breaks YouTube playback. I can't find any info on the internet about the problem and I am having a lot of trouble with it. YouTube playback with libva-mesa-driver and libva-vdpau-driver will start stop restart start playing audio then crash with a this error every single time. I am at my wits end trying to figure out this problem and I would love help figuring out the problem I am using firefox-developer-edition as a note thanks Ozzy

Asked by Ozzy Helix 9 months ago

Last reply by Ozzy Helix 9 months ago

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Lame game

I play a game at Vegas World. It's basically a free online slot machine site. I have played it for years with Chrome. Recently switched to Firefox. Playing an auto spin s… (read more)

I play a game at Vegas World. It's basically a free online slot machine site. I have played it for years with Chrome. Recently switched to Firefox. Playing an auto spin slot game, Firefox gets slow and hangs after about 25 spins. Chrome will go for 10,000 spins. So, Firefox is useless on game sites. I don't really expect a fix or solution. And I don't actually expect to use Firefox by the end of the day.

Asked by wisemagic1 1 year ago

Last reply by zeroknight 12 months ago

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Firefox on Linux

I am using a Samsung Chromebook Pro V2, running Debian, and installed Firefox using the Flatpak command "flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.firefox". The Firefox icon a… (read more)

I am using a Samsung Chromebook Pro V2, running Debian, and installed Firefox using the Flatpak command "flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.firefox". The Firefox icon appears in the Linux apps group and I have opened Firefox using that icon.

How do I get links in my Linux apps to open Firefox and take me to the URL?

Thank you and Happy New Year, Abe

Asked by Abe Sternberg 1 year ago

Answered by Abe Sternberg 1 year ago

Firefox Continually Crashing . . .

Machine: Dell Inspiron 15 5567 CPU: Intel i5-7xxx Op Sys: Ubuntu 24.04.1 Firefox version: Flathub 130.0 For the past 2 weeks Firefox has been repeatedly crashing soon af… (read more)

Machine: Dell Inspiron 15 5567 CPU: Intel i5-7xxx Op Sys: Ubuntu 24.04.1 Firefox version: Flathub 130.0

For the past 2 weeks Firefox has been repeatedly crashing soon after going on to certain sites or trying to apply my 2FA authenticator add-on.

Suddenly there's a screen shudder and a new window opens, inviting me to submit a crash report. See attached image.

I do not believe that this is down to Ubuntu 24.04 upgrade done at end of August.

But it's enough for me to largely go over to Chromium and Firefox Dev Ed.

If Mozilla don't act on this crashing I can see its market being lost fairly fast.

Asked by tamjk 4 months ago

Last reply by paulparker 4 months ago

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Netflix Error - F7355-1203

Hi, I was using FF on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. Had version FF 120.x and playing video in Netflix worked fine. Then I updated to FF 124.x and playing video stopped with error… (read more)


I was using FF on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. Had version FF 120.x and playing video in Netflix worked fine. Then I updated to FF 124.x and playing video stopped with error F7355-1203.

I've checked the DRM setting and it is enabled, I checked addons and I have OpenH264 and Widevine installed, both set to always active.

I've checked installed codecs and I do have libavcodec58 installed. No update for that available via apt. I also have ffmpeg installed, no problem with that either. I can play Netflix videos in Chrome, but not in Firefox now. Something happened to Firefox when I updated from 120.x to 124.x. Today I updated to 125.x, same problem, Netflix video won't play.

I've unchecked the DRM setting and re-checked it, and that does reinstalled Widevine but does not fix the problem.

Any ideas what could be the cause?

Asked by mark545 9 months ago

Answered by mark545 9 months ago

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Control key and Shift key triggers some weird deleting symptom

How to reproduce the bug: Jump to the address bar, and then press shift, ctrol, alt or windows_start, you can see the address getting deleted. You can also see it in Goog… (read more)

How to reproduce the bug: Jump to the address bar, and then press shift, ctrol, alt or windows_start, you can see the address getting deleted. You can also see it in Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel Online, it just deletes the cell, or a selection of multiple cells. --Interestingly on Google Docs it doesn't delete but just move the cursor to the first character when a string is selected.

 It happens only once per mouse click, or focus change

What I expect: Shift, Control or any mod key should not delete content or move a cursor


Asked by Gunwoo Gim 1 year ago

Last reply by zeroknight 10 months ago

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Imported Bookmarks file from Mac to Zorin "No bookmarks"

Exported a bookmarks html file from Mac (Sonoma OS) and tried to import it in a computer running Zorin (linux) 17. The file can be found, but when I click it, I am told … (read more)

Exported a bookmarks html file from Mac (Sonoma OS) and tried to import it in a computer running Zorin (linux) 17. The file can be found, but when I click it, I am told there are no bookmarks therein. If I open the HTML file it's all there. Full of bookmarks. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for reading.

Asked by ringbell 1 year ago

Answered by ringbell 1 year ago

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Firefox freezes when handling tabs

Hello everyone. Since installing Linux Mint in May 2023 I have been having this issue with Firefox. Description of issue: When I switch between (or drag) tabs in a Firef… (read more)

Hello everyone. Since installing Linux Mint in May 2023 I have been having this issue with Firefox.

Description of issue: When I switch between (or drag) tabs in a Firefox window, the whole window becomes unresponsive, with the last tab I was switching from still in front. Often the contents of the window start to flash (disappear and reappear, leaving a black backgground) every 2 seconds. I can drag the window around, scroll, minimize it, but it is impossible to give any input in any tab. The only action somewhat possible to do inside the window is bring other tabs in front, it is still quite hard for the input to register, and if it does, it takes 10+ seconds. The issue goes away if I close the specific Firefox window, or if I manage to select and drag one tab out of the frozen window into its own new window. Then everything works as intended, like nothing ever happened.

I can reliably cause the freeze-up in a short time by holding CTRL+TAB and drag one tab to change the order while firefox cycles through the tabs in the open window.

While the window is frozen, the rest of the desktop is responsive as normal, even other Firefox windows. If I try to interact with the frozen window I can rarely see spikes of CPU usage. RAM stays at normal usage levels, far from being full.

What I have tried so far that has had no effect on the appearance of the issue:

1) Disabling all extensions i have

2) Run in troubleshooting mode

2) "Create a new places database" as suggested []

3) Disabled hardware acceleration

4) Creaing a new firefox user profile

5) Use "Refresh Firefox" from the troubleshooting page

6) Use the Flatpak version of firefox

7) Reinstall firefox

Here is my system information


Asked by nico.venuti 1 year ago

Answered by zeroknight 1 year ago

  • Solved

Drag and Drop stopped working in Firefox v129.0.1 for Linux

I upgraded my version of Firefox from an ESR version to v129.0.1 on Debian 12. Drag and drop of files from the desktop or the file manager (PCManFM-Qt) into the browser … (read more)

I upgraded my version of Firefox from an ESR version to v129.0.1 on Debian 12. Drag and drop of files from the desktop or the file manager (PCManFM-Qt) into the browser stopped working. It is still working properly in Chrome.

This occurs with several web apps but, as an example, it occurs when trying to drag a jpeg into Roundcube Webmail while composing a message.

No browser console errors are genrated when trying to do this. It occurs in Troubleshooting (safe) mode as well. In apps that pop-up a "Drag files here" target, that target still appears but dropping the file on it does nothing.

Asked by mike763 5 months ago

Answered by mike763 5 months ago