Last Pass not working since last update
No funciona último pase desde la última actualización
No funciona último pase desde la última actualización
When I moved to a new computer with Windows 11, I lost my extension that allowed me to easily email a web-link to someone or myself. Any suggestions? I have a secondary… (read more)
When I moved to a new computer with Windows 11, I lost my extension that allowed me to easily email a web-link to someone or myself. Any suggestions?
I have a secondary problem, just remembered. Windows 11 is forcing the default app in these instances to Outlook. How do I change the default?
l want translait to arabic
Hello 1) How can I stop Google pop-ups? Each time I open a homepage that requires a log-in, a Google pop-up is disturbing and presses me to log-in via Google. This is har… (read more)
Hello 1) How can I stop Google pop-ups? Each time I open a homepage that requires a log-in, a Google pop-up is disturbing and presses me to log-in via Google. This is harassment. I do not want to be harassed. 2) Firefox support: Each time I would like to get an answer, that is what I want, when I ask for support, I have do a lot of work until I get the bottom to contact you. Time is money, for me too. Where is the direct button to ask? 3) When I got an answer from you, is there a way I can store my questions and your answers? Asking and getting an answer by E-mail would be a good solution, but as I learned e-mail is not allowed to contact you. Kind regards, Ernst Kupfer.
Is there anyway to force actual mozilla pages to be displayed in a dark mode instead of the blinding white background that hurts my eyes to view ? Thanks, David … (read more)
Is there anyway to force actual mozilla pages to be displayed in a dark mode instead of the blinding white background that hurts my eyes to view ? Thanks, David
Avoid ads.
How come my NordPass is not working anymore with Firefox
why the dictionary extension is not working? thank you.
Paid for Total av and firefox is disabling it. I want Total av or I will switch to microsoft edge
is there a way to browse only through the recomended extention ?
I had NordPass working on my MacBook Pro, so that the little NordPass icon appeared when I had to sign in to a site with my username and password. If it wasn't in NordPas… (read more)
I had NordPass working on my MacBook Pro, so that the little NordPass icon appeared when I had to sign in to a site with my username and password. If it wasn't in NordPass yet, NordPass would "watch" while I signed in somewhere, and then ask if I wanted to save that info, and I could say yes or no. But now I've installed NordPass again, and I'm not seeing the little green NordPass prompts. Where did they go? What did I do that caused them to disappear? I'm going to give up for the evening, but if you have any ideas about this, please share them. I will check back in tomorrow and attack the problem again, and will see your ideas then. TIA for any thoughts you might have about this.
Please stop offering to translate! PLEASE!
Language Tool will Not download to my Firefox
I have downloaded the youtube downloader that was recommended by firefox, but everytime i go onto youtube the downloader menu does not appear below the the youtube screen… (read more)
I have downloaded the youtube downloader that was recommended by firefox, but everytime i go onto youtube the downloader menu does not appear below the the youtube screen. Can you advise me on how to remedy this problem. The downloader was working previously some time ago then just disappeared. I have attached a screenshot to show that the downloader menu isn't showing. Can you inform me how to fix this? Thank You. Tom O'Doherty-Sheldon. [edited]
I appreciate the "Translate Selection To" in the right click context menu is in Beta. For me it works but not as well as it might. For example, I am English, my laptop is… (read more)
I appreciate the "Translate Selection To" in the right click context menu is in Beta. For me it works but not as well as it might. For example, I am English, my laptop is set to English, I am viewing a website in English but it has some foreign text on it, so I hightlight the text, right click and I am offered to "Translate Selection To ... Slovenian" Why???
I then have to tell it the language of the source/highlighted text and I have to tell it I want the result in English. I can accept it might not recognise the language of the source text but it is very annoying that it assumes I want it converted to Slovenian instead of the systems default language.
To make it worse, having changed the languages to those I want, it doesn't remember them and the next time I use it I'm back to square one.
This would be a really useful feature if only it was logical.
Regards Shutey
Isn't the evidence damning at this point? The reviews are staggering.… (read more)
Isn't the evidence damning at this point?
The reviews are staggering. Are there any talks of dismissing this extension from the store? I also used this addon a couple years ago.
I have tried searching in Settings, but I can't locate where the Ad Blocker is so I can turn it off.
Hello, I inadvertently used the option Block Element to get rid of a horrible recurring spam post on FB. I thought I was just blocking that post but what it ended up blo… (read more)
I inadvertently used the option Block Element to get rid of a horrible recurring spam post on FB. I thought I was just blocking that post but what it ended up blocking the options on my whole Facebook program, so now I can't edit/undo anything on my FB page. I know it's within Firefox as it doesn't happen on the other browsers when I am using FB.
I tried to look it up but can't find anything to help me. I was hoping I could end up talking to a real person as I know it can get confusing but perhaps you can give me step by step instructions?
I need to know how to UNDO blocking an element. I've attached an image but I'm not sure if it fully explains what I'm dealing with.
Thanks, Ellen Claxton
I just want to add Duck Duck go essentials to Firefox and every I try to click on them nothing works
Buongiorno. Uso Firefox e ho installato l'estensione Firefox Multi-Account Containers e ho inserito l'icona sulla barra delle estensioni. Dopo un po' l'icona è sparita e … (read more)
Buongiorno. Uso Firefox e ho installato l'estensione Firefox Multi-Account Containers e ho inserito l'icona sulla barra delle estensioni. Dopo un po' l'icona è sparita e non riesco a usare i contenitori. Ho reinstallato Firefox e inserito nuovamente l'estensione ed è successo di nuovo. Come posso risolvere il problema? Grazie anticipate