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why hide?

Firefox/mozilla spends so much time jerking each other after new updates, THEY FORGET that more than half are stuck with a crappy update and NOBODY AVAILABLE TO HELP. I… (read more)

Firefox/mozilla spends so much time jerking each other after new updates, THEY FORGET that more than half are stuck with a crappy update and NOBODY AVAILABLE TO HELP.

 I suggest you provide a link for REAL help.  Stop hiding like cowards and help the people your updates end up screwing up.
  OR MAYBE you can actually create an update that WORKS.

Your latest update destroyed everything and nothing works. So how about you dummys be available to actually help your customers.

  Do you think an update that takes users DAYS TO FIX  is an update you can be proud of???!!!

An update should NOT cause users to spend hours looking for a solution your damned update has caused.

 E-mail---[email removed]
  Help me with solutions and stop hiding.

Asked by ariesdoc19 1 year ago

Last reply by Paul 1 year ago

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Your Update is useless

Your new update, like your last several suck. It is sssllllooowww to load most webbsites. Watching a video is frustrating, pausing every few secons. I am SICK OF EATCH… (read more)

Your new update, like your last several suck. It is sssllllooowww to load most webbsites. Watching a video is frustrating, pausing every few secons. I am SICK OF EATCHING THAT WHEEL GO ROUND AND ROUND. What is most frustrating is your damned "Update" looser, piggy-backed of of a windows update. I DID NOT want an update, because you idiots cant create a update that doesnt screw up every aspect of peoples browsing or interne5 experience. To m,ake it worse, you cowards hide. There is no way to contact a HUMAN, your help is a bunch of questions that are never answered by [redacted]. Since nobody can write a workable update, Get a job at a fast food joint, and hire people who give a damn, an can actually write something that [redacted] WORKS!!!!!!! I'm on my second ay trying to un-[redacted] your mess. How about sending me an email with a contact to a human with a functional brain. People should NOT have to spendd ays fixing an update that is worse than a virus.

Contact me @--[email address] OZR [telephone number]

Asked by ariesdoc19 1 year ago

Last reply by Paul 1 year ago

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Some pages of internet banking do not show on Firefox

Some pages in the new internet banking site of my bank do not load while using Firefox, while they show on other browsers, including one on an android phone. For example,… (read more)

Some pages in the new internet banking site of my bank do not load while using Firefox, while they show on other browsers, including one on an android phone. For example, I was told by the customer help from the bank that if I click on my account name after login to internet banking, I should see a page with a button showing "Tax", and on that page I can click on "Download TDS" to download a tax deduction file. When I try to do this, a page showing "Tax" opens, but the page is otherwise blank. Clicking on "Tax" does not produce any result. I can carry out the "Download TDS" transaction on other browsers.

Should this be seen as a drawback of Firefox, or there is something else I can try, apart from using another browser?

Asked by sdrindani 1 year ago

Last reply by sdrindani 1 year ago

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Connection to https sites

Ever since the most recent update to Firefox I consistently get the following message when attempting to login to https sites which I have been connecting to for years: S… (read more)

Ever since the most recent update to Firefox I consistently get the following message when attempting to login to https sites which I have been connecting to for years: Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR


   The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
   Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Clearly the problem is with Firefox and not with the website owner since it occurs with all websites.

I found over 100 instances of PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR but the few responses I looked at were back in 2021 or 2022. One solution suggested clearing the cache which I did and I was then able to connect. But now that does not help. Is my only reliable solution to delete Firefox and use some inferior browser?

Asked by drbrussell 1 year ago

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 year ago

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What directories in Windows store Profile/Sync data?

I am using Firefox Developer Edition in a work environment that only saves directories between weekly restarts by explicitly managed rules. As a result of some missing fo… (read more)

I am using Firefox Developer Edition in a work environment that only saves directories between weekly restarts by explicitly managed rules. As a result of some missing folders from my weekly restarts, I need to sign in to my Firefox account and enable sync each week. Currently my machine retains the %APPDATA%/Mozilla and %LOCALAPPDATA%/Mozilla directories + children.

What other directories are needed by Firefox Developer Edition in Windows to retain the user profile/syncing, et. al.?

Thank you for your time!

Asked by jordwms 1 year ago

Answered by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 year ago

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two step authentication

Hello....I currently use the two step authentication with one app, but I would like to use the feature in a 2nd authenticator for backup purposes. I can't seem to get the… (read more)

Hello....I currently use the two step authentication with one app, but I would like to use the feature in a 2nd authenticator for backup purposes. I can't seem to get the QR code I need in order to do that as I already have an authenticator setup.

Please let me know how to go about setting up the 2nd application.


Asked by Sandy Newbold 1 year ago

Last reply by cor-el 1 year ago

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I get this message only with Firefox -

I get this message every time someone emails [edited] unable to deliver. Do NOT HAVE THIS ISSUE WITH ANY OTHER BROWSER. SINCE YO… (read more)

I get this message every time someone emails [edited] unable to deliver.




Asked by John Herman 1 year ago

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 year ago

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Disable firefox 113 and up update nag screen?

Hello, is there a way to disable the Firefox update screen. It appears several times per day and it is VERY annoying. I want to stay on this version since for the first t… (read more)

Hello, is there a way to disable the Firefox update screen. It appears several times per day and it is VERY annoying. I want to stay on this version since for the first time in many months I have no problems.

All tricks including using the json file do not work...

Asked by davebg 1 year ago

Last reply by Terry 1 year ago

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Closed Captions in YouTube with FireFox

I use the closed captions (CC) in YouTube videos with FireFox. Lately I have been seeing videos that seem to misbehave. At the very start of the video, ALL the captions… (read more)

I use the closed captions (CC) in YouTube videos with FireFox. Lately I have been seeing videos that seem to misbehave. At the very start of the video, ALL the captions display at once, one after the other. Then, as play continues there are no more captions. Most videos still show captions normally, that is, captions appearing only when the dialog matches them. But a few videos misbehave by showing all the captions at once. Here is one such video.

I noticed this misbehavior within the last month and assumed that the video was doing something peculiar with the timing of the captions. But when I use the YouTube Show Transcript option to display the captions and associated timing outside the video, the transcript looks quite reasonable.

One further oddity, if I take that same URL and load the video in a different browser, for example, Chrome, the captions are displayed normally.

I've included a screen shot of the video in YouTube showing all the captions displaying at once.

Asked by prairiepedaler 1 year ago

Answered by prairiepedaler 1 year ago

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Tor Browser

Your browser suggested that we use Thor Browser which looks like a scam. I CAN NOT DELETE THE FILE OR FOLDER AS :I DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DO THIS. I WANT THIS… (read more)

Your browser suggested that we use Thor Browser which looks like a scam.


I WANT THIS REMOVED SO DON'T IGNORE THIS AND RESPOND AS TO HOW TO FIX AT [removed email from public support forum]


Asked by John Herman 1 year ago

Last reply by James 1 year ago

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Tabs on Bottom broke again

Hi Well Firefox did it again. I had tabs on the bottom where I wanted them and they broke this again in the update I just got. Any idea how to move them back down to th… (read more)


Well Firefox did it again. I had tabs on the bottom where I wanted them and they broke this again in the update I just got.

Any idea how to move them back down to the bottom? This is the userchrome.css coding I was using that worked fine before the update

@import url(userChrome-color_bookmark_folders_Proton89.css);

/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0 See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* Modify to change window drag space width */ /* Use tabs_on_bottom_menubar_on_top_patch.css if you have menubar permanently enabled and want it on top

  • /

/* IMPORTANT */ /* Get window_control_placeholder_support.css Window controls will be all wrong without it. Additionally on Linux, you may need to get: linux_gtk_window_control_patch.css

  • /
root{ --uc-titlebar-padding: 0px; }

@media (-moz-os-version: windows-win10){

root[sizemode="maximized"][tabsintitlebar]{ --uc-titlebar-padding: 8px }


  1. toolbar-menubar[autohide="true"] > .titlebar-buttonbox-container,
  2. TabsToolbar > .titlebar-buttonbox-container{

position: fixed; display: block; top: var(--uc-titlebar-padding,0px); right:0; height: 35px; } /* Mac specific. You should set that font-smoothing pref to true if you are on any platform where window controls are on left */ @supports -moz-bool-pref("layout.css.osx-font-smoothing.enabled"){

root{ --uc-titlebar-padding: 0px !important }

.titlebar-buttonbox-container{ left:0; right: unset !important; } }

root[uidensity="compact"] #TabsToolbar > .titlebar-buttonbox-container{ height: 30px }
  1. toolbar-menubar[inactive] > .titlebar-buttonbox-container{ opacity: 0 }
  1. navigator-toolbox{ padding-top: var(--uc-titlebar-padding,0px) !important; }

.titlebar-buttonbox-container > .titlebar-buttonbox{ height: 100%; }

  1. titlebar{

-moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; -moz-appearance: none !important; --tabs-navbar-shadow-size: 0px; }


  1. TabsToolbar .titlebar-spacer{ display: none; }

/* Also hide the toolbox bottom border which isn't at bottom with this setup */

  1. navigator-toolbox::after{ display: none !important; }

@media (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button){ .titlebar-button{ -moz-box-orient: vertical } }

/* These exist only for compatibility with autohide-tabstoolbar.css */ toolbox#navigator-toolbox > toolbar#nav-bar.browser-toolbar{ animation: none; }

  1. navigator-toolbox:hover #TabsToolbar{ animation: slidein ease-out 48ms 1 }

/* Source file made available under Mozilla Public License v. 2.0 See the above repository for updates as well as full license text. */

/* Menubar on top patch - use with tabs_on_bottom.css */ /* Only really useful if menubar is ALWAYS visible */

root{ --uc-window-control-width: 0px !important }
  1. navigator-toolbox{ padding-top: calc(29px + var(--uc-titlebar-padding,0px)) !important }
  1. toolbar-menubar{

position: fixed; display: flex; top: var(--uc-titlebar-padding,0px); height: 25px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; }

  1. toolbar-menubar > .titlebar-buttonbox-container{ height: 29px; order: 100; }
  1. toolbar-menubar > [flex]{ flex-grow: 100; }
  2. toolbar-menubar > spacer[flex]{

order: 99; flex-grow: 1; min-width: var(--uc-window-drag-space-width,20px); }

  1. toolbar-menubar .titlebar-button{ padding: 2px 17px !important; }
  1. toolbar-menubar .toolbarbutton-1 { --toolbarbutton-inner-padding: 3px }

/* TABS: height */*|*:root { --tab-toolbar-navbar-overlap: 0px !important; --tab-min-height: 20px !important; --tab-min-width: 80px !important;

  1. tabbrowser-tabs {

width: 100vw !important; }

  1. main-window:not([chromehidden*="toolbar"]) #navigator-toolbox {padding-bottom: var(--tab-min-height) !important;}

.tab-background { border-radius: 8px 8px 0px 0px !important; border-image: none !important; } .tab-line { display: none; }

.tab-close-button { color: red!important; }

Asked by scottish2 1 year ago

Answered by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 year ago

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In some websites, the password field is filling in, but username field does NOT

In some websites I log into, password field is filling but username field is NOT. I first reviewed this old, related post:… (read more)

In some websites I log into, password field is filling but username field is NOT.

I first reviewed this old, related post:

Attached below is the console for both the username and password at The actual URL is:

(The username is mama). I think both fields show type="text".

And that leaves me stuck. I also attached screen shots of the login page and the console of the username and password is below.


<input id="frmLogin_main_tbxUserName" kwidgettype="TextField" kformname="frmLogin" kmasterid="main" value="" class=" sknRInputLogin " autocapitalize="none" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="on" type="text" onfocus="$KW.TextField.onfocusEventHandler(arguments[0],this)" onblur="$KW.TextField.onblurEventHandler(arguments[0],this)" placeholder="Username" maxlength="30" style="text-align: left; text-transform: none; padding: 0px 0px 0px 19px; width: 100%; height: 100%;" tabindex="0" role="textbox" aria-label="Username" aria-level="1" aria-describedby="frmLogin_main_lblUsername" aria-required="true">


<input id="frmLogin_main_tbxPassword" kwidgettype="TextField" kformname="frmLogin" kmasterid="main" value="" class=" sknRInputLogin " autocapitalize="none" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="on" type="password" onfocus="$KW.TextField.onfocusEventHandler(arguments[0],this)" onblur="$KW.TextField.onblurEventHandler(arguments[0],this)" placeholder="Password" maxlength="30" style="text-align: left; text-transform: none; padding: 0px 0px 0px 19px; width: 100%; height: 100%;" tabindex="0" role="password" aria-label="Password" aria-level="1" aria-describedby="frmLogin_main_lblPassword" aria-required="true">

Asked by jenna 1 year ago

Last reply by jenna 1 year ago

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Can't login to banking site. FF keeps refreshing login page

Can't login to banking site. keeps refreshing login page Using FF desktop latest ver. / win 7 I enter/submit my USAA username on the login page via a username d… (read more)

Can't login to banking site. keeps refreshing login page Using FF desktop latest ver. / win 7

I enter/submit my USAA username on the login page via a username dialog box. I then expect the password dialog box to open, but when I submit the username, FF flashes, i.e. the password dialog box displays for a split second and reverts right back to the username dialog box.

This happens at with my user agent set to Windows/FF v 113. BUT if I set the user agent to Android/phone FF v 113, USAA detects the browser as Android/phone FF and it redirects to user agent to where I AM able to enter username/password and login.

So what is wrong with FF? There are multiple threads of users unable to login to banking and other sites on the FF browser.

Asked by jenna 1 year ago

Answered by jenna 1 year ago

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I just want to open a .pdf file online . . . but Firefox insists on downloading it!

OS: Mac OS 10.14.5 Firefox Version: 113.0.2 Settings gives me multiple options for handling a .pdf file. The first three are (1) Open in Firefox; (2) Always ask; and (3)… (read more)

OS: Mac OS 10.14.5 Firefox Version: 113.0.2

Settings gives me multiple options for handling a .pdf file. The first three are (1) Open in Firefox; (2) Always ask; and (3) Save File.

If I select "Open in Firefox," the file will open in my existing window. If I select "Save File," the file downloads to my desktop.

The problem arises when I select "Always ask." If I then select "Open in Firefox," the file opens (in a new tab!) and simultaneously downloads to my desktop!

Is this a system glitch, or am I somehow doing something wrong?

Asked by nhcowboy1 1 year ago

Last reply by cor-el 1 year ago

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Firefox 113.0.1 performance after task limit gone?, change win10 performance setting to "background services"

Since the task limit option seems to have been obliterated? I believe the many more "programs" and the events they create for windows to handle is causing all sorts of v… (read more)

Since the task limit option seems to have been obliterated? I believe the many more "programs" and the events they create for windows to handle is causing all sorts of virtual memory problems. Changing win10 advanced system settings from performance for programs to background services seems to have restored Firefox performance in my case, see: 10 advanced system settings win10 advanced system settings performance programs vs background services Is there an about:config option that would allow one to achieve the same "programs" limiting option as before? This laptop has 16 gig of memory and I used to successfully have even better Firefox performance with windows virtual memory turned off, but eventually I would get crashes. I can understand why Firefox was modified in a way to better localize the source of crashes, but in my case it has degraded performance. Thanks Mozilla for a great product I have valued for years!!!!

Asked by mathesonre 1 year ago

Last reply by mathesonre 1 year ago