I am having trouble getting to the metamask extension moz-extension://57b2bd83-ca73-4baa-8635-f86eedf9fa4b/home.html#unlock
I am having problems accesing the extesion .. moz-extension://57b2bd83-ca73-4baa-8635-f86eedf9fa4b/home.html#unlock ...... and logging in to my meteamask account ...(public) 0x6ce8ce7f6f15283d67b4478d2d501e9dc9c55c4f A Goldby Thank you A Goldby
All Replies (1)
Are you able to get to that page using any toolbar button, or the drop-down list from the Extensions button?
Manage your extensions using the extensions button in the toolbar
I assume it's this extension, and some reviews indicate problems, although it's not a storm of posts:
Because money is involved, I suggest trying the most official support channel the author makes available, but also checking other sites for background.