connected devices
when i try and 'send tab to device' to another of my connected devices it shows 2 ipads. just that they are ipads with no further info. When i check my connected devices, there is only 1 ipad listed. This is very confusing as i used to have 2 ipads but gave one to a friend whom i no longer speak with. i have no idea if the tab i am sending is going to that ipad or my ipad so i have to send to both. how do i correct 'send tab to device' so it only shows the ipad that i am signed in on?
when i try and 'send tab to device' to another of my connected devices it shows 2 ipads. just that they are ipads with no further info. When i check my connected devices, there is only 1 ipad listed. This is very confusing as i used to have 2 ipads but gave one to a friend whom i no longer speak with. i have no idea if the tab i am sending is going to that ipad or my ipad so i have to send to both. how do i correct 'send tab to device' so it only shows the ipad that i am signed in on?