Firefox OS 端末の機内モードを ON にする

  • リビジョン ID: 42186
  • 作成日:
  • 作成者: yoshi
  • コメント: タイトル、スラッグ
  • 査読日: いいえ
  • 翻訳準備中: いいえ

What is Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode is a function available on Firefox OS that allows you to temporarily disable all wireless connections on your device. This is commonly used on airplanes, which often require all cellular connections turned off during flight. It can also be used to save battery on your device, or if you simply want to disable wireless connections with the push of a button.

What can I do while in Airplane Mode?

You may continue to use Firefox OS while in Airplane Mode. You can also turn on Wi-fi and Bluetooth while in Airplane Mode as well. Using the wireless connectivity functions during airplane mode will display an error.

How do I enable Airplane Mode?

To enable airplane mode, first slide down the notifications bar by tapping and holding at the top of the screen and sliding down.

Settings Slide

Once the notifications bar has fully extended down, you can tap on the airplane mode icon to enable it.

Airplane Mode

Once enabled, you will notice a small, white airplane icon in the status bar at the top of your screen.

Airplane Mode Active

When you are ready to disable Airplane Mode, slide down the notifications bar and tap Airplane mode to be off. Your device will then begin to reconnect to wireless networks and should be ready to use in a few moments.