What is Popcorn Maker?

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Popcorn Maker helps you easily remix web video, audio and images into cool mashups that you can embed on other websites. Drag and drop content from the web, then add your own comments and links – all within your browser. Popcorn Maker videos are dynamic, full of links and unique with every view.

It lets you add various media including media from YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Audiour and HTML5 media. Ever wondered that making videos would get so easy?

You also don't need to worry on saving the videos on your system. Your videos will be hosted by Mozilla for free. So you also save Disk space.

See how Popcorn Maker is different from other video editors

You can build:

  • an animated gif with sound
  • a documentary with dynamic links
  • a video profile to introduce yourself to the world
  • and more!

Here's how to get started. Once you're comfortable, read up on some tips and tricks and starter ideas.

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