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No one has helped translate this article yet. If you already know how localizing for SUMO works, start translating now. If you want to learn how to translate articles for SUMO, please start here.

If you didn’t find answers in our other Mozilla VPN articles, try the VPN Tips and Tricks section for information about popular features and troubleshooting tips for the most common issues:

  1. Open Mozilla VPN and click (or tap) the settings vpn settings icon icon.
  2. Select VPN tips and tricks.

If you need further assistance, contact us directly:

  1. Open Mozilla VPN and click the settings vpn settings icon icon.
  2. Click (or tap) Get Help.
  3. Click (or tap) Contact Support.
  4. A tab will open with a contact form. You might need to sign in to your Mozilla account first.

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