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Google results keep redirecting to google.com

  • Nincs válasz
  • 8 embernek van ilyen problémája
  • 3 megtekintés
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Whenever I enter keywords in the address bar or Google search field I get the results, no problem here. But when I click on a result it takes me directly to the google.com home page.

When fill something in on the google page itself and I click on a result, the page does a refresh of refresh, on the second click I can go to the proper site.

Whenever I enter keywords in the address bar or Google search field I get the results, no problem here. But when I click on a result it takes me directly to the google.com home page. When fill something in on the google page itself and I click on a result, the page does a refresh of refresh, on the second click I can go to the proper site.