Z drastami zwonkowny napohlad Firefox změnić

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Žórłowy kod wersije
Wobsah wersije

Drasta (jendźelsce: theme) je typ přidatka Firefox, kotryž zwonkowny napohlad Firefox měnja. Tutón nastawk wopisuje, kak móžeće drasty w Firefox namakać, instalować a rjadować.

What are themes?

A theme changes how Firefox looks. A theme could simply change the toolbar's background colors or the buttons' appearance, but some themes can make Firefox look like a completely different program.

There are two types of themes available for Firefox:

  • Background themes - lightweight themes that can change the color scheme and background image of the Firefox toolbars.
Themes - Win1
Themes - Win2
background theme
  • Complete themes - more customizable than background themes, but larger to download.

;Themes - Win3

complete theme

How to install themes

  1. Klikńće na menijowe tłóčatko Fx89menuButton, potom na Přidatki a drasty a wubjerće Get Add-ons.
  2. To see more information on a Featured Theme, click it. You can hover it to preview it and then click the green Add to Firefox button to install it.
    • You can also browse all themes by clicking the See all link, all complete themes by clicking the See all complete themes link or search for a specific theme by using the search box at the top. You can then install any theme you find with the Install button.
    Themes - Win6

    Themes - Win7
  3. Firefox will download the requested theme and may ask you to confirm that you want to install it.
  4. Click Restart Now if it pops up. Your tabs will be saved and restored after the restart.
  1. Klikńće na menijowe tłóčatko Fx89menuButton, potom na Přidatki a drasty a wubjerće Get Add-ons.
  2. Scroll through the page until you find the Featured Themes section and click See all to browse through the themes. You can also use the search bar to look for a specific theme.
    themes fx29
    • To see what a background theme will look like before installing it, simply hover over it.
    • Click on a theme to see more information about it.
  3. If you see a theme you like, click the Add to Firefox button to install it.
  4. Firefox will download the requested theme and may ask you to confirm that you want to install it.
  5. Click Restart Now if it pops up. Your tabs will be saved and restored after the restart.

Managing themes

How to switch themes

When several themes are installed:

  1. Klikńće na menijowe tłóčatko Fx89menuButton, potom na Přidatki a drasty a wubjerće Appearance.
  2. Select a theme in the list.
  3. Click the Enable button.
  4. Click the Restart now link if it pops up. Your tabs will be saved and restored after the restart.

How to remove themes

If you want to remove a theme, see Přidatki znjemóžnić abo wotstronić.
