Nastajenja za priwatnosć, přehladowansku historiju a njeslědowanje

Wersijowe informacije
  • Wersijowy ID: 110006
  • Wutworjeny:
  • Awtor: milupo
  • Komentar: partial translation
  • Přepruwowany:
  • Hotowy za přełožowanje:
Žórłowy kod wersije
Wobsah wersije

Tutón nastawk wopisuje nastajenja, kotrež su we wotrězku Priwatnosć wokna NastajenjaNastajenjaNastajenja .

Wotrězk Priwatnosć wam zmóžnja:

  • Kontrolować, kak Firefox z wašej historiju wobchadźa, kotraž wopřijima, kotre strony sće wopytał, kotre dataje sće sćahnył, što sće do formularow zapodał a kotre placki sydła su was pósłali.
  • Kontrolować, kotre sydła móža wam placki pósłać a placki wotstronić, kotrež sydła su wam pósłali.
  • Kontrolować, kak adresowe polo historiju wužiwa, zo by wam zapiski namjetowało, kotrež wašim pytanskim wurazam wotpowěduja. Za dalše informacije hlejće Namjety awtowudospołnjenja adresoweho pola w Firefox.

Privacy Fx21 Win7Privacy Fx21 MacFirefoxPreferences#21 - Lin3


  • Sydłam zdźělić, zo njemaju mje slědować: Hdyž tute nastajenje wuběraće, zdźěliće websydłam, zo nochceće, zo wabjerjo a třeći poskićowarjo wam slěduja. Ale wobkedźbowanje tutoho nastajenja je dobrowólne — jednotliwe websydła njetrjebaja jo připóznać.
  • Sydłam zdźělić, zo móža mje slědować: Hdyž tute nastajenja wuběrać, zdźěliće websydłam, zo chceće, zo wabjerjo a třeći poskićowarjo wam slěduja. Wy měl wšak wobmyslić, zo wjele předewzaćo profil sydłow twori, kotrež wopytujeće. Hdyž tute nastajenje zmóžniće, woznamjenja to, zo sće z tym přezjedny.
  • Sydłam ničo wo mojich slědowanskich nastajenjach zdźělić: To je standardne nastajenje. Hdyž tute nastajenje wuběraće, so websydłam ničo wo wašich nastajenjach njezdźěla. Wy měł na to dźiwać, zo to njewoznamjenja, zo wam njeslěduja. We woprawdźitosći je to samsne kaž předchadne nastajenje a najskerje wam slěduja.

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  • Sydłam zdźělić, zo njemaju mje slědować: Hdyž tute nastajenje wuběraće, zdźěliće websydłam, zo nochceće, zo wabjerjo a třeći poskićowarjo wam slěduja. Ale wobkedźbowanje tutoho nastajenja je dobrowólne — jednotliwe websydła njetrjebaja jo připóznać. Hlejće Funkciju Njeslědować zmóžnić za dalše informacije.



Požadajće, zo sydła nimaja was slědować: Hdyž tute nastajenje wuběraće, zdźěliće websydłam, zo nochceće, zo wabjerjo a třeći poskićowarjo wam slěduja. Ale wobkedźbowanje tutoho nastajenja je dobrowólne — jednotliwe websydła njetrjebaja jo připóznać. Hlejće Funkciju Njeslědować zmóžnić za dalše informacije.

Slědowanski škit w priwatnych woknach wužiwać: Hdyž tute nastajenje wuběraće, budźe Firefox domeny a sydła blokować, kotrež, kaž je znate, wužiwarjow slědować, mjeztym zo z priwatnymi woknami přehladuja. Hlejće Priwatny modus - Firefox wužiwać, bjeztoho zo by so historija składowała a Slědowanski škit w priwatnym modusu za dalše informacije.


Nastajenje Firefox budźe: kontroluje, kak Firefox informacije wo wašim přehladowanju składuje.

Remember history

When Firefox will is set to Remember history:

Click on:

Never remember history

When Firefox will is set to Never remember history:

Using Never remember history is equivalent to always being in Firefox Private Browsing mode. For more information, see Priwatny modus - Firefox wužiwać, bjeztoho zo by so historija składowała.

Click on clear all current history to open the Clear Recent History window, which allows you to erase some or all of your history quickly. For more information, see Přehladowansku, pytansku a sćehnjensku historiju zhašeć.

Use custom settings for history

Options - Privacy - Win2 Fx22 custom history fx36 Use custom settings for history

When Firefox will is set to Use custom settings for history, the following settings will be available:

  • Always use private browsing mode:
    If selected, Firefox will not remember any new history the next time it starts. For more information, see Priwatny modus - Firefox wužiwać, bjeztoho zo by so historija składowała.
  • Remember my browsing and download history:
    If selected, Firefox will keep a list of the pages you've visited and the files you've downloaded. For more information about downloaded files, see Pytanje a rjadowanje sćehnjenych datajow w Firefox.
  • Remember search and form history:
    If selected, the text you enter into form fields or the search bar will be remembered so you can use those entries again. For more information, see Awtomatiske wudospołnjenje formularow.
  • Accept cookies from sites:
    If selected, Firefox will accept cookies from sites. Click Exceptions… to control whether some sites are not allowed to set cookies. For more information, see Block websites from storing cookies and site data in Firefox.
    • Accept third-party cookies:
      • Always: Firefox will always accept cookies from when you are visiting
      • From Visited: If you have visited previously, Firefox will accept cookies from this site when you are visiting, otherwise Firefox will not accept them.
      • Never: Firefox will never accept cookies from when you are visiting For more information, see Third-party cookies and Firefox tracking protection.
    • Keep until:
      • they expire: If selected, Firefox will allow the sites you visit to specify how long Firefox should keep their cookies.
      • I close Firefox: If selected, your cookies will be deleted when you close Firefox.
      • ask me every time: If selected, Firefox will ask you how long to keep a cookie each time a site tries to set one.

        Click Show Cookies… to display the Cookies window. For more information on the Cookies window, see Placki zhašeć, zo byšće daty wotstronił, kotrež websydła su na wašim ličaku składowali.
  • Clear history when Firefox closes:
    Certain saved items will be deleted when you close Firefox. Click Settings… to control what items are deleted.

Location Bar

  • When using the location bar, suggest:
    The Location Bar is the horizontal bar that displays a site's web address (URL). When you type in the location bar, Firefox can display results that match what you type:
    • History and Bookmarks: If selected, the Location bar will display results from the list of sites you've visited and the pages you've bookmarked.
    • History: If selected, the Location bar will display results from the list of sites you've visited. Sites you've bookmarked but haven't visited will not show up.
    • Bookmarks: If selected, the Location bar will display results from the list of pages you've bookmarked.
    • Nothing: If selected, the Location bar will not display results that match what you type.

The Location Bar is the field where you enter a site's web address (URL). The Location Bar suggests results as you type in a search based on the following:

  • History: If selected, sites you've previously visited will appear on your results list.
  • Bookmarks: Sites you've bookmarked will appear on your results list. These results appear with the blue star next to them.
  • Open tabs: Select this if you want tabs that are currently open to appear in your results list. This is especially useful if you have many tabs open.

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