"The System cannot find the file specified" When running a repackaged installer
Added some extensions (core/distribution/extensions), added autoconfig (js in core/defaults/prefs and cfg in core), put a user.js in core/defaults/profile with a userchrome.css in core/defaults/profile/chrome)
Then repackaged (step 4), did step 5 and 6 however when the newly formed installer is run I get a 7-zip error saying "the system cannot find the file specified". The originally installer works so it must be something that I am doing
[[Repackaging the Windows Installer|Following this guide]]
Added some extensions (core/distribution/extensions), added autoconfig (js in core/defaults/prefs and cfg in core), put a user.js in core/defaults/profile with a userchrome.css in core/defaults/profile/chrome)
Then repackaged (step 4), did step 5 and 6 however when the newly formed installer is run I get a 7-zip error saying "the system cannot find the file specified". The originally installer works so it must be something that I am doing