sync new computer
how to sync this new computer?
how to sync this new computer?
I received a dialogue window telling me that the browser has a problem displaying the webpage. The problem is being worked on and to try again in a few minutes. I refresh… (tuilleadh eolais)
I received a dialogue window telling me that the browser has a problem displaying the webpage. The problem is being worked on and to try again in a few minutes. I refreshed the webpage about ten minutes later and the webpage is displayed as a blank white page. The web address for that webpage is displayed in the web address bar.
na01.safelinks does not allow opening sites
Just updated to version 134 64 bit and the minimize buttons have been removed. Is that supposed to happen ? There is now only a close button (X).
can i recover my sync from any device
Note: This is also an accessibility issue as those of us with limited or impaired motor control can be inordinately affected in a way that limits our use of Firefox or ma… (tuilleadh eolais)
Note: This is also an accessibility issue as those of us with limited or impaired motor control can be inordinately affected in a way that limits our use of Firefox or makes it virtually impossible to use in any use-case more complex than browsing YouTube.
Issue: There are certain, pre-defined, keyboard shortcuts within Firefox whose action is both immediate and irrevocable. Those of us who have limited, or impaired, motor control are particularly susceptible to this, though I have heard anecdotal evidence that other - unimpaired - users suffer from this as well.
Example: There is a particular key combination that I periodically, (accidentally), hit while typing that immediately and irrevocably clears the dialog that I am entering text into - as I am doing here - with no possibility of recovery and no warning that a potentially disastrous action is about to take place.
My specific case, (that is, the most recent instance of my specific case), occurred last night while composing a reply to a topic within the Microsoft Flight Simulator forum addressing a particular, and popular, issue with the sim.
I spent a significant amount of time creating this message - setting paragraph formatting, creating tables, inserting images, carefully crafting the text and such like, that had taken me upwards of an hour to prepare.
While typing - I managed to inadvertently hit a magical "Nuke-and-Destroy" key combination that caused all my lengthy, careful, painstakingly crafted work to immediately vanish with no chance of recovery.
To this very day I still have no idea what combination of keys does this - and if I knew, I would try to suppress it at the keyboard/system level so that Firefox never sees it.
When I searched for a solution to this problem, I found the following article on this site: []
In essence, (though it was worded much more politely), the answer was that Mozilla knows about the issue of potentially undesirable "magic" key combinations, has no plans to address it, and if you don't like it it just vacuums being you.
Though this particular key combination might be useful in certain cases, (though I cannot imagine what use-case would benefit from accidentally destroying hours of work), the utterly irrevocable nature of the action - and the absolute lack of any warning whatsoever - makes this a classic case in the annals of horrid user interface design; to the point of being a functional bug even though it works as designed.
A more desirable action would be to:
I would suggest that this action, and the action of other "magic" keys/key-combinations within Firefox represents a significant burden to those of us who may already be struggling to use a keyboard. Perpetuating this class of issue, especially since it's a known issue and there's no desire whatsoever to accommodate those of us negatively affected by it, borders on both arrogance and ableism.
I would like to humbly place this request at the feet of whomever is responsible for this atrocious policy and earnestly request they reverse this unpleasant and destructive behavior.
Respectfully submitted: Jim Harris.
Added image: [a blank page representing the results of the magic "Nuke-and-Destory" key combination. :wink:]
Need to recover my yahoo account without phone number and mail my recovery phone number is [telephone number] and email is [email address] kindly help me out thanks for a… (tuilleadh eolais)
Need to recover my yahoo account without phone number and mail my recovery phone number is [telephone number] and email is [email address] kindly help me out thanks for advance
how can i add my android as secondary back up thanks darrell
How can I cancel my subscription please?
For the past few days, I keep getting logged off of my Firefox account each time I start up Firefox, a problem that has only began happening since going to a new computer… (tuilleadh eolais)
For the past few days, I keep getting logged off of my Firefox account each time I start up Firefox, a problem that has only began happening since going to a new computer. From what I could tell, the issue was not over from the computer, so I am wondering what the issue can be with Firefox.
Would like help at this as soon as possible. Thank you very much.
since a few mins ago, 30/11/2024 12 Am IST i have observed that MSN webpage specifically : auto opens every few mins… (tuilleadh eolais)
since a few mins ago, 30/11/2024 12 Am IST i have observed that MSN webpage specifically : auto opens every few mins, i have no idea why, can anyone help me?
Firefox is showing my bookmarks when a webpage is opened, and I would like it to show another set of bookmarks when a new empty tab is opened. Firefox is telling me to "… (tuilleadh eolais)
Firefox is showing my bookmarks when a webpage is opened, and I would like it to show another set of bookmarks when a new empty tab is opened.
Firefox is telling me to "manage bookmarks" but I don't see another category which is for the bookmark toolbar shown on a new tab, all bookmarks are shown in the widget next to the search bar.
I know I can move the widget, but I want to use both rows for different bookmarks.
Is it possible?
someone tried to sign in on my account - it says unknown. i tried to sign out but it doesn’t seem working. pla help
Unlinking accts on same network
printer does not print through Firefox browser, while the message I get is "printing completed". Is there a setting that I should use ?
I can't download the books from your website. It said time out. Why?bold text
I need to have my account very secure there has been someone hacking my phone for 2 years now. He seems to be stopping certain links from coming up on firefox. Do you hav… (tuilleadh eolais)
I need to have my account very secure there has been someone hacking my phone for 2 years now. He seems to be stopping certain links from coming up on firefox. Do you have any security and privacy features for your app anything like that would help. I will send some screen shots when i get them. Thank you very much. Deborah Haley