Via google search, I clicked on, where it said: Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526
Visit for more informati… (tuilleadh eolais)
Via google search, I clicked on, where it said: Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526
Visit for more information.
[FYI, I don't care, but I never heard of cloudflare.]
I then click on 'additonal troubleshooting information.' on this failure page where it says:
Error 526 occurs when these two conditions are true:
Cloudflare cannot validate the SSL certificate at your origin web server, and
Full SSL (Strict) SSL is set in the Overview tab of your Cloudflare SSL/TLS app.
For a potential quick fix, set SSL to Full instead of Full (strict) in the Overview tab of your Cloudflare SSL/TLS app for the domain.
So I go to Settings>Privacy and Security. First, no Overview tab. But under enhanced tracking protection, I have Standard selected and with strict one of the options, I think I'm where I supposed to be NO!. So I search for SSL, and there are no hits.
Thus I am in a total failure state, unable to do what should have taken 1 minute to easily find out!
WHY CAN'T I JUST TURN THIS OFF FOR THIS ONE INSTANCE???? I mean, it's Burger King, and all I NEED NOW is nutritional info for what I just ate and there is no way on that results page to temporarily turn off the problem. Cloudflare? CloutFailure is more like it. They have taken my choice to choose!
This so frustrating, such a simple thing, why isn't there something to temp turn off?