Hey everyone. I am automating end-to-end testing with playwright for python, using the official Docker image from the microsoft artifact repository (using `playwright/pyt… (lire la suite)
Hey everyone. I am automating end-to-end testing with playwright for python, using the official Docker image from the microsoft artifact repository (using `playwright/python:v1.49.1`).
As I have signed certificates for my local domains with my own certificate authority, I am trying to have Firefox automatically install the certificates via a policies file. However, Firefox seems to ignore the policies file no matter what.
To ensure that the file itself is used, I simplified it to a single boolean value, and ensured that it's copied correctly inside the container via the `cat` command. Here are the current contents:
"policies": {
"DisableTelemetry": true
I know that the CA certificate is installed correctly, as it works out of the box using the WebKit browser and Curl command. I have gotten it to work in Chromium by installing it to nssdb using `certutil`.
I have converted the file from ASCII to the `utf-8` charset.
The file has the expected content, and I have copied it to both `/etc/firefox/policies/policies.json` and `/ms-playwright/firefox-1466/firefox/distribution/policies.json` (the path to the binary is `/ms-playwright/firefox-1466/firefox/firefox`).
Opening `about:policies` shows the text "The Enterprise Policies service is inactive.", which is sadly not very informative. It would be nice to have a list of locations it looks in, and any problems it encountered.
The container uses Firefox Nightly 132.
Are these locations incorrect? Is there any way to debug this? Does anyone have any other suggestions? If you need any more info (Dockerfile, etc.), please let me know.
Thanks in advance.