Firefox Interface
Dear Firefox
I am writing to you as regards your current upgrade and its interface. The taps bar and tools bar are very wide, thus decreasing area below them. The cannot because customized with the little knowledge I have in development.
I jumped FF V90 to this current upgrade FF 131.03 because anytime I tried to upgrade, I find the Interface not to my liking due to what I have already described above. I have seen similar comments like mine on the browser comments. One user actually asked if FF interface to V 80.02 which I support for it is the best of Interfaces so far in the development of the FF browser.
I hope to hear from you soon before I take a decision to go back to FF V90.0.
P/S: My 2 email addresses:
1. [edited from public] @AOL.COM 2. [edited from public] @GMAIL.COM
Also in trying to upload Image of the browser for clarity purpose, I get this:
Error uploading Image Invalid or no image received.
What is happening here about Uploaded images: Add images (optional), I cannot fathom. There is certainly a block somewhere on the Support page.
Kind regards.
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Toutes les réponses (8)
About compact mode, take a look at this parenthesis in this subject https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/fully-support-web-usb-and-web-serial/m-p/48852/highlight/true#M17524
Hi Agent Virtuel
Thanks for taking time to help me solve my issue of the compactness of the bars I have mentioned. I wonder why FF does not take into consideration Users concern and act upon their feedback. What is the purpose of the feedback? Instead of taking responsibility to solve issues, they keep referring Users to the Community. It's good to have a Community but it is not fare to constantly direct matters arising from the browser FF developed to the Community. I wonder how many Users in the Community apart of the browsers developers to resolve such complex issues. Reading through suggestions it is quite clear to me mostly it is guesswork. Forgive me I do not mean their efforts are meaningless or useless.
FF should take the responsibility to manage such issues. I read a member suggested one should take Chrome and go about solving the problem in a very long and tedious manner. I am afraid the Chrome browser is no better in terms of the compactness of the bars, either, however much you try to customize it. One gentleman on YouTube reports how keeps jumping between the FF and Chrome browsers without any satisfaction.
I see the fault in FF developers just keep on churning out rapidly versions without any considerations put forward by their Users. But yet they keep asking Users to send in feedback to help them make the browser function better. It is all just but a ruse, after all FF and Chrome are being managed by Google.
My Respect To All FF Team and Community Members who have taken time to read and make suggestions to solve the problem.
Kind regards.
Dear FF
I am afraid it has not solved the problem. I do not think this feedback has been submitted to the developers. When the developers solve the problem I shall upgrade. As a show case I will again ask the developers to refer to FF V 82.0.3.
I will say from FF80 or FF90 previous version the interface and look of FF was changed and can't be reversed. Your options are to use custom changes with such interfaces as "userChrome.css" to make the changes or other 3rd party software to change the look of FF and beyond that this is will be the new face of FF and should changes happen again it will reflect on later FF version.
You can submit your request using the Firefox link to submit request but considering how FF looks and what will change there is no guarantee.
Thank you for your response, I have spent an entire day implementing instructions from FF and users as to how to make the changes to both the Menu and Tool bars without any success. So why has FF given the instructions in the Support section when they do not work. Before I received your email I had already downloaded the latest FF Chrome in a bid to make the necessary changes using Chrome.CSS, and it was useless. As you probably know when you upgrade it become hard task to downgrade FF. You will lose every thing that you have saved on FF including passwords, book marks etc.
As for a third party software I do not where to get one, for I have googled and found none.
The link you have given is the same link on FF itself which I have used to write my messages.
Unfortunately downgrading doesn't work AFAIK from all the responses I've seen it didn't go well. That is the only link if there is a request to be made there is no email or contact beyond that to do submit a request.
I think you have probably misunderstood me. I did not say downgrading works for the Tool and Menu bars as regards compact FF. The link you have given sends me to the FF Support which gives instructions as to how to carry out the UI browser preference, down to Customize Tool bar's Density Menu, where there is "not compact". I clicked that and then done. the example given actually refers to V 90 upwards. In fact, I have V 90 and there is no "not compact" in the density menu. However, when I previously downloaded the current V 132.0.1 which has "no compact" in the Density Menu and carried out the instructions, there was no change.
As at now I have managed to reinstall all my apps and retrieved my passwords from Chrome.
The better link for changes may be https://connect.mozilla.org/ over cluttering up the general issues tracker Bugzilla.