Hubs Oculus Touch controls

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See the Hubs Documentation for more information on Hubs controls.

Oculus Touch controls

You can also use the keyboard keys while using your Oculus Rift.

MoveLeft controller thumbstick
TurnRight controller thumbstick
Move fasterB or Y buttons to move faster
Show menusHold A or X
Rotate objectRotate controllerAfter pressing and holding the Rotate button in the object's menu
Grab objectGrip button on either controller
Scale objectMove both hands together or apart while holding an objectWhile holding an object
Move object closer/awayMove mouseAfter pressing and holding the Rotate button in the object's menu
Scale objectShift + Mouse wheelWhile holding an object
Move object closer/awayUp/down on right thumbstickWhile holding an object with cursor
Draw with penTriggerWhile holding a pen
Next/previous pen colorLeft/right on thumbstickWhile holding a pen
Change pen sizeUp/down on thumbstickWhile holding a pen
Undo pen strokeB or Y buttonWhile holding a pen
Take photoTriggerWhile holding a camera
Increase/decrease media volumeUp/down on right thumbstickWhile hovering over media

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