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Pressing <enter> produces <div> </div> instead of <br>

I asked this question two years ago and the chosen solution no longer works for newer versions of Firefox. (135 in my case) . setting editor.use_div_for_default_newlines … (read more)

I asked this question two years ago and the chosen solution no longer works for newer versions of Firefox. (135 in my case) . setting editor.use_div_for_default_newlines in about:config to FALSE does not work.

I am tired of pressing SHIFT <enter> to get < br > . Unnessessary < div >s make code harder to read.

Any new setting I could use to get
for pressing the enter key?

Asked by HeavenlyFox 6 روز قبل

Last reply by HeavenlyFox 6 روز قبل