Manage billing
Manage your payment details and billing information.
How do I cancel my subscription to Mozilla VPN?
At any point, you have the option to terminate your Mozilla VPN subscription by disabling the auto-renewal feature.
Is Mozilla VPN free?
Mozilla VPN is a paid subscription product that offers unlimited, comprehensive protection for up to 5 devices.
Upgrade your subscription
Upgrade your premium subscription to get more features at a better price.
How do I request a refund for Mozilla VPN?
We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try Mozilla VPN risk free.
How do I update my payment information on Mozilla VPN?
If you get a message that your payment failed, it may be because your card expired or is no longer valid. Here's how to update it.
Choose the Mozilla VPN plan that is right for you
Subscribe to a monthly or yearly Mozilla VPN plan.
How do I restore my Mozilla VPN Subscription on my mobile device?
If you purchased your Mozilla VPN subscription from Apple or Google Play and switched to a new phone or reinstalled the app, follow the steps in this article to restore your subscription.
How do I redeem a coupon code?
This article explains the steps to apply a coupon to your subscription purchase.