I am posting a link to Google showing the exact search:
https://www.google.com/search?q=youtube+keeps+saing+I%27m+offline+and+I%27m+not+&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxs… (read more)
I am posting a link to Google showing the exact search:
Okay that was way longer than I expected short of someone searching the headline their self, but it's the best way to show just exactly what I am seeing.
This started happening a couple of days ago and I do know there have been recent updates to the browser that might have something to do with it.
It's apparently a common, or known, issue, and there is a fix for it for Chrome, but I can find nothing similar for Firefox except some crazy command prompt that I'm not even going to try to attempt,
I've spoken to my IPS twice this week already and everything is good. I don't have any real issue with any other sites and seem to be able to surf normally.
I had thought it was a Youtube issue, maybe it is, but it's obviously an issue people have had before and it seemed to be a network issue in the browser, or as much as I got out of the Chrome fix video.
If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. If it continues, then I suppose I will have to switch to using Chrome, or only use Chrome for Youtube, or quit Youtube all together.
But the error is consistent, annoying & frustrating when I have to reload (which doesn't seem to help) or switch to another tab (which dosn't always help) just to watch videos.
Thank you.