fire fox keeps blocking my bank web site
fire fox keeps blocking my bank account web site
fire fox keeps blocking my bank account web site
I'm having to use a back up computer. I opened FireFox and I have no tab bar and no way to open tabs. I have this incredibly annoying sidebar that I was at least able to … (read more)
I'm having to use a back up computer. I opened FireFox and I have no tab bar and no way to open tabs. I have this incredibly annoying sidebar that I was at least able to move to the right. But I can't make it horizontal or clear it. I need the sidebar gone and my tab bar back.
If I right click the sidebar, I do not get an option to get rid of it.
I have checked settings repeatedly. I have even attempted to add a button at the upper right to open tabs. It goes to the sidebar with no labels and no way to clear. It's maddening. will not load the chat
I have tried to browse the internet through the main way way with no lock but I can browse using the private window. Why is that?
I cannot access payment options for a utility company. A message says I should allow pop up blockers. I don't know how to do this … (read more)
I cannot access payment options for a utility company. A message says I should allow pop up blockers. I don't know how to do this