Hi, now I have some issues, it all started as I put 2 step ver.ON (october)
1. I had to reset my acccount password...that was OK,after that it all went wrong.
I have wor… (read more)
Hi, now I have some issues, it all started as I put 2 step ver.ON (october)
1. I had to reset my acccount password...that was OK,after that it all went wrong.
I have working account and password that is OK, and 2 step verif.
-I can log intomy browser, but cannot access my account with firefox (I can see/access all bookmarks etc)...however I can with Chrome. -error is session expired in firefox at every attempt.
after successful password change, I had to log out of mobile app and cannot signin/Sync anymore with my app...always I get an errorr "oh dear something went wrong we have been notified and we´re on it." This is strange, if I try without QRcode the error is that my password is wrong ? - now I don´t get it, if password is accepted in desktop browser etc. then the app gets all cranky about it ?
now I have working account and password and 2 step verifi. that works mostly on some other website/app than Firefox.
VPN is in se but, it hasn´t played any significant role, creating errorsin anything previous 3 years.
Now any idea how to fix this...I would like to avoid setting up a new account...please.