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my account disconnected

Hi. Every time I close the browser my account gets disconnected. I have to log in again every time. This has been happening for several days. How to fix it? Greetings W… (read more)

Hi. Every time I close the browser my account gets disconnected. I have to log in again every time. This has been happening for several days. How to fix it? Greetings Wojciech

Asked by lefty72 2 months ago

Unexpected password creation date change - Mozilla Account Profile

Hi! As this thread subject says, I have an issue with kind of a random change in the field showing password creation date on my Mozilla Account profile. Recently after … (read more)


As this thread subject says, I have an issue with kind of a random change in the field showing password creation date on my Mozilla Account profile.

Recently after fresh OS installation, I logged into my Mozilla Account, briefly browsed my settings and noticed unexpected change in the field below my password which says "Created 10/26/2024". The thing is: - I haven't changed/updated or done anything like that to my password since Account creation so date should be different & earlier - before my OS reinstall and signing in again to Account on fresh Firefox, I've logged out, cleaned my whole history, data etc. - so there should not be any leftovers like cookies on either side (mine or Mozilla's servers) that could cause potential issue- I guess? - sign out from Account, OS reinstall date and new sign in to firefox are also different days than 26th October - Recent account activity logs - all seems right, nothing alarming - Connected services/devices - all correct - all confirmation emails from Mozilla - everything ok So as you can see there is no suspicious activity...besides that date change. Since account creation I haven't noticed any weird behavior in my computer/software/firefox/mozilla profile too. Regarding that date - 10/26/2024 - on that day I was just regularly browsing web and logged in to my Pocket account - nothing exceptional, no settings change made or anything, Pocket account existed before that day and was active -so rather no important,worth commemorating by Mozilla activity, I presume? Logs/ confirmation emails agree with that.

I have to admit , I've already contacted support team but their answer still lefts me, sort of, unsatisfied... They have not found any issues regarding my password and account and indicated that it may be kind of update sent by Pocket during logging in on that day, or 'cookies/site data issue', nothing scary overall. Well... but then why Pocket has not overwritten this creation date again during my later sign-ins in the following days? Have anyone experienced situation like this? Is it a bug?Paranormal manifestation of sloppy coding? A feature from Mozilla so users can keep their blood pressure a bit higher? Symptoms of my account being compromised? Maybe there was some big update on Mozilla servers/services that could cause aforementioned change, that day -26th October, anyone knows? Am I missing something, like my own, user errors? Perhaps I'm overthinking and this is trivial issue, but I find it a bit confusing and can imagine that it can be puzzling for even more technically skilled users than me. I would be very grateful for any probable explanations or experiences from you, dear Mozilla users. Thank you! Cheers.

Asked by S.O.S 2 months ago

Forced to sign up and didnt want to

Today facebook was not working properly, it said i need to update my browser to fix it. I had not updated firefox because each time it does so, there are issues. And i… (read more)

Today facebook was not working properly, it said i need to update my browser to fix it. I had not updated firefox because each time it does so, there are issues. And it keeps updating too often. Now I was forced to update. But it also forced me to set up an account with mozilla. I did NOT want this. I am furious.

I am not happy with this. I do not want a mozilla account. I was happy as it was, just using it as a browser.

Asked by silver_owlshadow 2 months ago


Hace tiempo, llevo intentando iniciar sesión en mi cuenta Leyla390990 pero al poner mi contraseña me dice que primero debo de establecer una contraseña después me pongo e… (read more)

Hace tiempo, llevo intentando iniciar sesión en mi cuenta Leyla390990 pero al poner mi contraseña me dice que primero debo de establecer una contraseña después me pongo en recuperar contraseña pero me sale mi cuenta de lesly_01AB y pues yo no quiero esa cuneta ya que a esa si puedo acceder pero la que me preocupa es la de leyla390990 llevo intentando desde hace casi un año y me deprime mucho Roblox es una gran app y muy buena de echo me gusta jugar sus juegos son entretenidos solo que la verdad extraño mi cuenta ya que yo le metía dinero aun sigo pero no le deseo meter dinero a la cuenta de lesly_01AB aun así espero y me ayuden con esto y me manden algún código correo contraseña una llamada mensaje lo que sea para recuperarla.

Asked by ★Criss★ 2 months ago

cannot log on to a site that I have been doing

I get this Error message when I try to sign onto my cell providers website. What does this meen and how do I fix it? You don't have permission to access "http://www.t-mo… (read more)

I get this Error message when I try to sign onto my cell providers website. What does this meen and how do I fix it?

You don't have permission to access "" on this server.

Reference #18.1002c417.1732590174.8736632b

Asked by srellobo 2 months ago

Strange message

Firefox displays a box with the message: "This profile was last used with a newer version of this application. Please create a new profile." How to solve?

Asked by fabricioamaralx 2 months ago