Through the years (been using FF since its first months) on various computers, various OS and FF versions, I've kept a bunch of bookmarks in my toolbar for frequently use… (read more)
Through the years (been using FF since its first months) on various computers, various OS and FF versions, I've kept a bunch of bookmarks in my toolbar for frequently used links that I can QUICKLY "right-click, copy link, paste" (3 steps) into social media posts.
Tonight I opened up my bookmark contextual menu, hit copy, pasted it into my Twitter, and it pasted the title instead of the link!!
How useless is that! A title is easy to type out, a long complex url isn't, having a "copy" (title) instead of the "copy link" is entirely useless!
Now to accomplish same, I have go choose "edit" instead of "copy link" and then "click drag" the url then "copy" then "paste" then close the window. 5+ steps instead of 3.
Who on Earth thought changing that function was a good idea?! More steps is NEVER a good direction.
IOS: 12.6.3
Firefox 102.9.0esr
macbook rebooted
cached cleared
Clarification coming from possible answers:
Firefox's "Paste" function is working fine, since the url correctly pastes to Mac PAGES and Facebook. It's the paste to Twitter that does "Title" instead of "url". So obviously a Firefox-Twitter problem.
Variation of problem:
I tried "Copy" from Firefox Bookmark Subemnu, then went over to Twitter on Chrome, and the "Paste" to Twitter on Chrome also results in a paste of Title instead of url.
I tried "Copy" from Chrome Bookmark Submenu, then paste into Twitter on Chrome, and the "Paste" correctly pastes the url.
This points to a mis-programming of the Firefox "Copy" function in the bookmark submenu.