I chose to use Firefox a few months ago after starting to have problems with Chrome. At first it was great, no problems. Then just the other day, it showed it was doing a… (read more)
I chose to use Firefox a few months ago after starting to have problems with Chrome. At first it was great, no problems. Then just the other day, it showed it was doing a software update. OK, no big problem right. I thought. This morning I tried to go into a favorite web sit. It is were I get my main news from also, but this time I got a message showing that Cloudflare was blocking the channel, then said it was an error but to try back later. It just kept doing this. What is up with this. I won't accept this. I want this cloudflare disabled. You say it is your software for protecting your software. If I want my computer protected, I'll make the decision as to how it is protected. I want cloudflare removed or I'll find another web browser.