While opening links, it always open in new tabs. i just want it to open in the current tab. i made some changes to do that but it didn't help. And while switching tabs by… (read more)
While opening links, it always open in new tabs. i just want it to open in the current tab. i made some changes to do that but it didn't help. And while switching tabs by mouse, it doesn't switch and i can't even close tabs with the mouse click. All other applications work fine, so it's not a problem with the mouse. And the mouse scroll zooms in and out the page instead of scrolling. The relevant text is pasted below-
Application Basics
Name: Firefox
Version: 116.0
Build ID: 20230731163847
Distribution ID: archlinux
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/116.0
OS: Linux 6.4.7-arch1-3 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed, 02 Aug 2023 09:47:27 +0000
OS Theme: Breeze / Adwaita
Multiprocess Windows: 1/1
Fission Windows: 1/1 Enabled by default
Remote Processes: 6
Enterprise Policies: Inactive
Google Location Service Key: Found
Google Safebrowsing Key: Found
Mozilla Location Service Key: Found
Safe Mode: true
Memory Size (RAM): 1.8 GB
Disk Space Available: 140 GB
Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days
Firefox Features
Name: Firefox Screenshots
Version: 39.0.1
ID: screenshots@mozilla.org
Name: Form Autofill
Version: 1.0.1
ID: formautofill@mozilla.org
Name: Picture-In-Picture
Version: 1.0.0
ID: pictureinpicture@mozilla.org
Name: Web Compatibility Interventions
Version: 116.1.0
ID: webcompat@mozilla.org
Name: WebCompat Reporter
Version: 1.5.1
ID: webcompat-reporter@mozilla.org
Remote Features
Remote Processes
Type: Socket
Count: 1
Type: Extension
Count: 1
Type: Preallocated
Count: 3
Type: Privileged About
Count: 1
Name: Add-ons Search Detection
Type: extension
Version: 2.0.0
Enabled: true
ID: addons-search-detection@mozilla.com
Name: Bing
Type: extension
Version: 1.6
Enabled: true
ID: bing@search.mozilla.org
Name: DuckDuckGo
Type: extension
Version: 1.4
Enabled: true
ID: ddg@search.mozilla.org
Name: Google
Type: extension
Version: 1.4
Enabled: true
ID: google@search.mozilla.org
Name: Wikipedia (en)
Type: extension
Version: 1.3
Enabled: true
ID: wikipedia@search.mozilla.org
Name: System theme — auto
Type: theme
Version: 1.3
Enabled: true
ID: default-theme@mozilla.org
Name: uBlock Origin
Type: extension
Version: 1.51.0
Enabled: false
ID: uBlock0@raymondhill.net
Name: Dark
Type: theme
Version: 1.2
Enabled: false
ID: firefox-compact-dark@mozilla.org
Name: Firefox Alpenglow
Type: theme
Version: 1.4
Enabled: false
ID: firefox-alpenglow@mozilla.org
Name: Light
Type: theme
Version: 1.2
Enabled: false
ID: firefox-compact-light@mozilla.org
Window Device Pixel Ratios: 1.25
Compositing: WebRender (Software)
Asynchronous Pan/Zoom: wheel input enabled; scrollbar drag enabled; keyboard enabled; autoscroll enabled; smooth pinch-zoom enabled
WebGL 1 Driver WSI Info: -
WebGL 1 Driver Renderer: WebGL is currently disabled.
WebGL 1 Driver Version: -
WebGL 1 Driver Extensions: -
WebGL 1 Extensions: -
WebGL 2 Driver WSI Info: -
WebGL 2 Driver Renderer: WebGL is currently disabled.
WebGL 2 Driver Version: -
WebGL 2 Driver Extensions: -
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Desktop Environment: kde
Target Frame Rate: 75
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GPU #1
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Description: Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 2000 (SNB GT1)
Vendor ID: 0x8086
Device ID: 0x0102
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Driver Version:
RAM: 0
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AzureContentBackend: skia
AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: skia
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Display0: 1280x1024@75Hz scales:1.000000|1.250000
DisplayCount: 1
Decision Log
default: available,
user: disabled, Disabled by layers.acceleration.disabled=true, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_COMP_PREF
runtime: blocked, Acceleration blocked by safe-mode, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_COMP_SAFEMODE
default: unavailable, Hardware compositing is disabled, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_OPENGL_NEED_HWCOMP
default: available,
runtime: unavailable-in-safe-mode, Safe-mode is enabled, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_SAFE_MODE
default: disabled, Disabled by default, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_DISABLED
env: blocklisted, Blocklisted by gfxInfo, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_WEBRENDER_COMPOSITOR_DISABLED
runtime: blocked, Cannot be enabled in release or beta, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_DISABLE_RELEASE_OR_BETA
default: available,
default: disabled, Disabled by default, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_DISABLED
runtime: unavailable, WebRender disabled, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_WR_DISABLED
default: available,
runtime: unavailable, WebRender disabled, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_WR_DISABLED
default: available,
env: unavailable, OS not supported, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_OS_NOT_SUPPORTED
default: available,
user: disabled, User disabled via pref, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_DCOMP_PREF_DISABLED
env: unavailable, Requires GPU process, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_NO_GPU_PROCESS
runtime: unavailable, Requires ANGLE, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_DCOMP_NOT_ANGLE
default: available,
default: available,
runtime: blocked, WebGPU cannot be enabled in release or beta, Blocklisted; failure code WEBGPU_DISABLE_RELEASE_OR_BETA
default: available,
default: available,
default: available,
default: available,
default: available,
default: available,
default: blocked, Blocklisted by gfxInfo, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_BROKEN_DRIVER
default: available,
default: available,
default: available,
env: blocked, Disabled by Software WebRender, Blocklisted; failure code FEATURE_FAILURE_DISABLED_BY_SOFTWARE_WEBRENDER
default: available,
default: available,
Audio Backend: pulse-rust
Max Channels: 2
Preferred Sample Rate: 48000
Roundtrip latency (standard deviation): 172.67ms (107.81)
Output Devices
Name: Group, Vendor, State, Preferred, Format, Channels, Rate, Latency
Built-in Audio Analog Stereo: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0, Intel Corporation, Enabled, All, default: F32LE, support: S16LE S16BE F32LE F32BE, 2, default: 48000, support: 1 - 384000, 0 - 0
Input Devices
Name: Group, Vendor, State, Preferred, Format, Channels, Rate, Latency
Monitor of Built-in Audio Analog Stereo: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0, Intel Corporation, Enabled, All, default: F32LE, support: S16LE S16BE F32LE F32BE, 2, default: 48000, support: 1 - 384000, 0 - 0
Built-in Audio Analog Stereo: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0, Intel Corporation, Unplugged, None, default: F32LE, support: S16LE S16BE F32LE F32BE, 2, default: 48000, support: 1 - 384000, 0 - 0
Enumerate database
Environment Variables
MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_EVENTS_DIRECTORY: /home/ndrao1/.mozilla/firefox/cl72ld7q.default-release-1691086484399/crashes/events
MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_RESTART_ARG_0: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox
MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_DATA_DIRECTORY: /home/ndrao1/.mozilla/firefox/Crash Reports
MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_PING_DIRECTORY: /home/ndrao1/.mozilla/firefox/Pending Pings
MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_STRINGS_OVERRIDE: /usr/lib/firefox/browser/crashreporter-override.ini
Experimental Features
about:home startup cache (browser.startup.homepage.abouthome_cache.enabled): true
Cookies: SameSite=None requires secure attribute (network.cookie.sameSite.noneRequiresSecure): false
CSS: Masonry Layout (layout.css.grid-template-masonry-value.enabled): false
Developer Tools: Compatibility Panel (devtools.inspector.compatibility.enabled): true
Developer Tools: Service Worker debugging (devtools.debugger.features.windowless-service-workers): false
Media: JPEG XL (image.jxl.enabled): false
Address Bar: show results during IME composition (browser.urlbar.keepPanelOpenDuringImeComposition): false
Web API: WebGPU (dom.webgpu.enabled): false
WebRTC Global Mute Toggles (privacy.webrtc.globalMuteToggles): false
Remote Experiments
Important Modified Preferences
browser.contentblocking.category: strict
browser.link.open_newwindow: 1
browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction: 0
browser.privatebrowsing.autostart: true
browser.search.region: IN
browser.search.suggest.enabled: false
browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID: 20230731163847
browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID: 20230731163847
browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone: 116.0
browser.tabs.loadInBackground: false
browser.urlbar.placeholderName: Google
browser.urlbar.placeholderName.private: Google
browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.migrationVersion: 2
browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.scenario: history
browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark: false
browser.urlbar.suggest.engines: false
browser.urlbar.suggest.history: false
browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage: false
browser.urlbar.suggest.searches: false
browser.urlbar.suggest.topsites: false
doh-rollout.disable-heuristics: true
doh-rollout.doneFirstRun: true
doh-rollout.home-region: IN
extensions.lastAppVersion: 116.0
layers.acceleration.disabled: true
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media.gmp-gmpopenh264.hashValue: 53a58bfb4c8124ad4f7655b99bfdea290033a085e0796b19245b33b91c0948fdac9f0c3e817130b352493a65d9a7a0fc8a7c1eedc618cdaa2b458073
media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastDownload: 1691086523
media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastInstallStart: 1691086521
media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate: 1691086523
media.gmp-gmpopenh264.version: 2.3.2
media.gmp-manager.buildID: 20230731163847
media.gmp-manager.lastCheck: 1691086724
media.gmp-manager.lastEmptyCheck: 1691086724
media.gmp.storage.version.observed: 1
media.hardwaremediakeys.enabled: false
network.dns.disablePrefetch: true
network.http.referer.disallowCrossSiteRelaxingDefault.top_navigation: true
network.http.speculative-parallel-limit: 0
network.predictor.enabled: false
network.prefetch-next: false
network.trr.mode: 3
network.trr.uri: https://mozilla.cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query
places.history.enabled: false
privacy.annotate_channels.strict_list.enabled: true
privacy.clearOnShutdown.downloads: false
privacy.clearOnShutdown.formdata: false
privacy.clearOnShutdown.history: false
privacy.clearOnShutdown.offlineApps: true
privacy.clearOnShutdown.sessions: false
privacy.donottrackheader.enabled: true
privacy.history.custom: true
privacy.partition.network_state.ocsp_cache: true
privacy.query_stripping.enabled: true
privacy.query_stripping.enabled.pbmode: true
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signon.generation.enabled: false
signon.management.page.breach-alerts.enabled: false
signon.rememberSignons: false
Important Locked Preferences
fission.autostart.session: true
Places Database
Entity: sqlite_schema
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 23.3
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_origins
Count: 5
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.6
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: sqlite_autoindex_moz_origins_1
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.5
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places
Count: 23
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 24
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_url_hashindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.9
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_hostindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 1.7
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_visitcount
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.5
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_frecencyindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.6
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_lastvisitdateindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 1
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_guid_uniqueindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 1.4
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_originidindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.6
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_altfrecencyindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.5
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_historyvisits
Count: 25
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 1.8
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_historyvisits_placedateindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 1.3
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_historyvisits_fromindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.6
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_historyvisits_dateindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 1.2
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_inputhistory
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: sqlite_autoindex_moz_inputhistory_1
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_bookmarks
Count: 12
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 2.1
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_bookmarks_deleted
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: sqlite_autoindex_moz_bookmarks_deleted_1
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_bookmarks_itemindex
Count: -
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Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.4
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_bookmarks_parentindex
Count: -
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Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.3
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_bookmarks_itemlastmodifiedindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.6
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_bookmarks_dateaddedindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.6
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_bookmarks_guid_uniqueindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.7
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_keywords
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: sqlite_autoindex_moz_keywords_1
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: sqlite_sequence
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_keywords_placepostdata_uniqueindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_anno_attributes
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: sqlite_autoindex_moz_anno_attributes_1
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_annos
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_annos_placeattributeindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_items_annos
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_items_annos_itemattributeindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_meta
Count: 3
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0.3
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_metadata
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_metadata_placecreated_uniqueindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_metadata_referrerindex
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_places_metadata_search_queries
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: sqlite_autoindex_moz_places_metadata_search_queries_1
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: moz_previews_tombstones
Count: 0
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 0
Sequentiality (%): 100
Entity: sqlite_stat1
Count: -
Size (KiB): 32
Size (%): 2.3
Efficiency (%): 2.5
Sequentiality (%): 100
Activated: false
Prevent Accessibility: 0
Library Versions
Expected minimum version: 4.35
Version in use: 4.35
Expected minimum version: 3.92
Version in use: 3.92
Expected minimum version: 3.92
Version in use: 3.92
Expected minimum version: 3.92
Version in use: 3.92
Expected minimum version: 3.92
Version in use: 3.92
Seccomp-BPF (System Call Filtering): true
Seccomp Thread Synchronization: true
User Namespaces: true
Content Process Sandboxing: true
Media Plugin Sandboxing: true
Content Process Sandbox Level: 4
Effective Content Process Sandbox Level: 4
Win32k Lockdown State for Content Process: Win32k Lockdown disabled -- Operating system not supported
GPU Process Sandbox Level: 0
Rejected System Calls
Startup Cache
Disk Cache Path: /home/ndrao1/.cache/mozilla/firefox/cl72ld7q.default-release-1691086484399/startupCache/startupCache.8.little
Ignore Disk Cache: false
Found Disk Cache on Init: false
Wrote to Disk Cache: false
Internationalization & Localization
Application Settings
Requested Locales: ["en-US"]
Available Locales: ["en-US"]
App Locales: ["en-US"]
Regional Preferences: ["en-US"]
Default Locale: "en-US"
Operating System
System Locales: ["en-US"]
Regional Preferences: ["en-US"]
Remote Debugging (Chromium Protocol)
Accepting Connections: false
Modified print settings