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i always repeat adding same bookmark because my firefox does not recognize that it already saved before

when i like any page or site and saving it in bookmark for later it's saved without problem but after while when i join that site again by chase and like it again i addin… (read more)

when i like any page or site and saving it in bookmark for later it's saved without problem but after while when i join that site again by chase and like it again i adding it again in bookmark because firefox not recognize that it already saved before its should appear in bookmark tap (edit this bookmark) instead always show (bookmark current tab) i checked my bookmark profile and its all there not deleted just repeating and keep add more versions for same link its looklike disabled links or offline and i have to open it again from (manage bookmark menu) to make it active and apearing in bookmark menu again

Asked by kimo 53 minutes ago

How to syncronise passwords and bookmarks from android phone to PC?

I can see no way to download passwords or bookmarks on my android phone, so I can email them to myself, open on my PC and add them to PC Firefox. I have signed in to the … (read more)

I can see no way to download passwords or bookmarks on my android phone, so I can email them to myself, open on my PC and add them to PC Firefox. I have signed in to the same account on both devices, and turned sync on on both devices. I receive no passwords or bookmarks on the PC. I had to re-install Windows 11, and now I cant get my passwords or bookmarks onto my PC.

Cannot take screenshot of passwords on android - screenshot is blank.

Asked by tootaboo 3 hours ago

Last reply by tootaboo 3 hours ago


प्रिय दर्शकों, यह हमारा कार्यक्रम सिर्फ आपका मनोरंजन करने के लिए है। इसलिए मुझे उम्मीद है कि आप सभी लाइक और शेयर करेंगे और देखते रहेंगे। हर दिन नई मजेदार पहेलियाँ पाने क… (read more)

प्रिय दर्शकों, यह हमारा कार्यक्रम सिर्फ आपका मनोरंजन करने के लिए है। इसलिए मुझे उम्मीद है कि आप सभी लाइक और शेयर करेंगे और देखते रहेंगे।

हर दिन नई मजेदार पहेलियाँ पाने के लिए हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें, और उसके बगल में घंटी का बटन बजाएं ।

"सङ्गीतं जगत् परिवर्तयितुं शक्नोति"। दीज्जाय इलेक्ट्रोहित ओफिश्सियाल गुजरातस्य लोकप्रियसंगीतलेबल एण्ड् प्रोडक्शन हाउस् अस्ति, स्वस्य संगीतस्य माध्यमेन विश्वं समीपं आनेतुं विश्वसिति।वयं विश्वासं कुर्मः यत् मौनस्य अनन्तरं, अव्यक्तं व्यक्तं कर्तुं समीपस्थं संगीतम् अस्ति। अतः, ये सर्वे सङ्गीतप्रेमिणः सङ्गीतस्य जादूविश्वासं कुर्वन्ति ते अस्माभिः सह सम्मिलिताः भूत्वा दीज्जाय इलेक्ट्रोहित ओश्सियाल सह सङ्गीतस्य जादूं जीवन्ति।

दीज्जाय इलेक्ट्रोहित ओफिश्सियाल ओफिश्सियाल और बूटलेग रीमिक्सैश्स.

DJ Rockzz's Official AnD Bootleg Remixes.

डीजे यतः २००७ ई. सुनिश्चितं कुरुत भवन्तः सदस्यतां लभन्ते इत्यस्मै मम चैनल कृते संगीतं विषयः. ❤️

  • अस्वीकरणम्: इदं निम्नलिखित-श्रव्यं/वीडियो सख्तीपूर्वकं प्रचार-प्रयोजनाय अभिप्रेतम् अस्ति। वयं अस्य किमपि व्यावस


Asked by ĐJ S̵TG REMIX 6 hours ago

Last reply by ĐJ S̵TG REMIX 6 hours ago