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viewing HEVC videos from Ring Cameras

On my windows PC, I am unable to view Ring Camera live-view due to "error missing required codec". Does my Firefox have the required HEVC codec to view Ring Camera video… (read more)

On my windows PC, I am unable to view Ring Camera live-view due to "error missing required codec". Does my Firefox have the required HEVC codec to view Ring Camera videos?

Asked by kentami 23 minutes ago

Book of Mozilla

Hello! I would like to dump Chrome and return to using Firefox. I just would like to know if it's possible somehow to remove about:mozilla page from within a browser (it… (read more)


I would like to dump Chrome and return to using Firefox. I just would like to know if it's possible somehow to remove about:mozilla page from within a browser (it's important for me). If anyone knows of a way to do it - please let me know.

Thank you!

Asked by Yevhen 7 hours ago

Last reply by James 59 minutes ago

Inline JavaScript to hide bookmarks sidebar upon opening new browser instance

Does anybody know which options to use on the command-line start of Firefox such that the only thing displayed is the area within which an HTML page would be presented? … (read more)

Does anybody know which options to use on the command-line start of Firefox such that the only thing displayed is the area within which an HTML page would be presented?

I want to have it start with everything else turned off or hidden, namely

   memu bar
   page tabs bar
   address bar along all add-on buttons
   bookmarks sidebar

The "-kiosk" option is not appropriate for my needs.

-kiosk doesn't hide the sidebar (Bookmarks or not) if that sidebar was visible during last session before exit ... so ... no, "-kiosk" is not a proper implementation of a "page-only" display mode.

"-private-window" gives no benefit, display-wise, over and above what the "-new-window" option provides.

Everything I've read (even on the Mozilla support site) seems to point to creating a special profile for just that mode, and then to modify the "userChrome.css" file with custom properties to ensure the desired "off" setting for the GUI elements. That seems a rather "small-minded" view, ignoring the potential for huge market of self-contained hard-coded applications that would need only use the Firefox rendering engine, and nothing else!

One comment on Reddit indicated that the functionality was there ("-app" option working with XULrunner), but discontinued!

As a test, I did close all my browsers, leaving the bookmark sidebar visible before closing. I then entered:

firefox -kiosk -safe-mode -private-window ${URL}

I still get the bookmark-sidebar visible, with everything else "hidden" or "disabled", because visible sidebar is my default mode for normal browsing.

Is there no command-line startup switch to force that sidebar to "hide", equivalent to clicking on the "X" on the top-right corner?

OR ...

Is there any programmatic way to tell that to hide using JavaScript in the HTML page that is loaded? Everything I seem to locate refer to in-page Elements only, not Browser Elements. :frowning:

But "kiosk"(fullscreen-mode) is not the mode I want, because I want users to be able to have the simplified browser-based HTML App co-exist on the desktop with other windows, like a normal App.

    • Basic HTML test page** *(myHtmlGame.html)* **:**

``` <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>myHtmlGame.html</title> <link href="myHtmlGame_bookmarks.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="myHtmlGame_bookmarks.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

Box A
Box B
Box C
Box D
Box E
<script> {what to I place here } </script> ```

    • Basic Javascript file** (*myHtmlGame_bookmarks.js*) **:**


// REF: var current = this;

var quitObserver = {

  QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
     if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
        return this;
     throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
  observe: function(aSubject,aTopic,aData ) {
     var mainWindow = current._windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
     var sidebar  = mainWindow.document.getElementById("sidebar");
     if (sidebar.contentWindow.location.href == "chrome://daisy/content/sidebar.xul") {
        mainWindow.toggleSidebar('openDaisySidebar', false);


setTimeout(function() {

  var mainWindow = current._windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
  var observerService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);

},2000); ```

I've tried using this alternative content for the JavaScript file, but that also failed (using '*hideSidebarBookmarks()*' call in the in-line script segment):

``` function hideSidebarBookmarks() { const sidebar = document.getElementById("CustomizableUI.AREA_BOOKMARKS") ; sidebar.hide() ; } ```

I even tried replacing the word "document" with "browser" in the above, still with no success. :-(

    • Startup command :**

``` firefox -new-window ./myHtmlGame.html & ```

    • Basic CSS file** *(myHtmlGame_bookmarks.css)* **:**

``` html { font-size: 14px ; font-family: "Liberation Sans", "Aileron", "Archivo", FreeSerif, serif ; line-height: 1.2em ; }

body { display: block ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; color: #FF0000 ;

margin-top: 0 ; margin-right: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0 ; margin-left: 0 ; }



.game-grid { display: grid ; grid-template-columns: 300px 300px 60px ; grid-template-rows: 40px 300px 150px ; }

.game-item-1 { grid-column: 1 / span 3 ; grid-row: 1 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-2 { grid-column: 3 / span 1 ; grid-row: 2 / span 2 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-3 { grid-column: 1 / span 2 ; grid-row: 2 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-4 { grid-column: 1 / span 1 ; grid-row: 3 / span 1 ; /* box-sizing: border-box ; */ border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ;

padding-left: 3 em ;

display: block ; color: #FFCF4F ;

word-wrap: break-word ; /* overflow-y: scroll ; overflow-y: auto ; */ overflow-anchor: none ; scrollbar-color: grey-black ; scrollbar-width: thin ; scroll-padding-bottom: 20px ;

/* In case you need to kick off effect immediately, this plus JS */ /* height: 100.001vh ; */ }

.game-item-5 { grid-column: 2 / span 1 ; grid-row: 3 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

div { padding-top: 1 em ; padding-right: 0 ; padding-bottom: 1 em ; padding-left: 0 ; }


The above will display per the attached image.

Asked by EricM 1 hour ago

Last reply by EricM 59 minutes ago

Sign in with Google

On a laptop, when I access some web sites, I see a pop-up notification to "Sign in with Google." How can I disable that notification?

Thank you.

Asked by denleehar 1 hour ago

Use sytem themes and cursor on Zen Browser

I have a different theme and cursor on my system. I would like to include them in Zen Browser. They are Candy Mac and Azenis respectively. There is no setting to do th… (read more)

I have a different theme and cursor on my system. I would like to include them in Zen Browser. They are Candy Mac and Azenis respectively. There is no setting to do this. Many other browsers have System themes as an option.

Asked by bobcollard 3 hours ago

multiple issues using PC

Hello! I have multiple issues with Firefox after YEARS and YEARS of usage. 1) There is always a problem logging into sites that require captcha. This started happening a… (read more)

Hello! I have multiple issues with Firefox after YEARS and YEARS of usage.

1) There is always a problem logging into sites that require captcha. This started happening a few months ago. So sites will not open in Firefox, but there's no problem with using Chrome.

2) All of a sudden, when I open and download PDFs from websites, the documents are black. I've gone in and disabled dark theme, but that hasn't made a difference. Again, this is a Firefox issue because it doesn't happen when I'm using Chrome.

Hoping you can help me with both issues. Thanks much!

Asked by marietal 4 hours ago

Einstellung "mailto"

Hallo, ich habe im Zusammenhang mit dem Übergang zu Windows 11 das Office 2024 Pro installiert. Dabei haben sich zwei Probleme gezeigt: 1. Für das versenden von Links mi… (read more)

Hallo, ich habe im Zusammenhang mit dem Übergang zu Windows 11 das Office 2024 Pro installiert. Dabei haben sich zwei Probleme gezeigt: 1. Für das versenden von Links mit Emails habe ich in den Einstellungen "Allgemein" unter "Anwendungen.mailto" das Programm OUTLOOK (classic) in beiden von mir genutzten lokalen Konten zugewiesen. In einem der beiden Konten wird im Gegensatz zu dieser Einstellung immer zu der Aufforderung zur Verbindungsaufnahme mit einem Microsoft-Konto verlangt. Zu einer Anzeige des Outlook-Sendefensters kommt es nicht. Welche Ursache kann es dafür geben und wie kann ich das Problem beheben? 2. Wie in dem beigefügten Bild dargestellt, erscheint bei der Nutzung der mailto-Funktion in beiden lokalen Konten diese Fehlermeldung, die bei normaler Nutzung von Outlook nicht auftritt. Meine Internet-Recherche zu dieser Fehlermeldung hat leider nichts greifbares ergeben. Könnt Ihr mir weiterhelfen? MfG, R. Ziegler.

Asked by raiziegler 13 hours ago

VPN is not working on my laptop

(Title): VPN is not working on my laptop (Description): Hello, I installed a VPN on my laptop, but it is not working. I cannot connect to any servers. I have tried res… (read more)

(Title): VPN is not working on my laptop


Hello, I installed a VPN on my laptop, but it is not working. I cannot connect to any servers. I have tried restarting my laptop and reinstalling the VPN, but the problem still exists. How can I fix this issue?

Thank you.

Asked by nz8137343 16 hours ago

Last reply by markwarner22 15 hours ago

Language problem

My Mozilla language is still in mandarin. even i change my region to Pakistan and in language preferences i chooses English US and remove Chinese but still when i search … (read more)

My Mozilla language is still in mandarin. even i change my region to Pakistan and in language preferences i chooses English US and remove Chinese but still when i search webpage and everything in Mozilla is Chinese language.

Asked by tc8h8cvypq 18 hours ago

Unusual message on new installation of Ubuntu 22.04

I have just completed a new installation of Ubuntu 22.04 and opened Firefox. On the Settings page, I'm seeing a message that says, "Your browser is being managed by your… (read more)

I have just completed a new installation of Ubuntu 22.04 and opened Firefox. On the Settings page, I'm seeing a message that says, "Your browser is being managed by your organization." My device is a personal home desktop not connected with any organization. Why am I seeing this message on a brand new installation?

Asked by Bluemax36 22 hours ago

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 20 hours ago