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Firefox does not display IRS tax fillable forms correctly
I use the IRS form filler to pay my taxes...have for years with Firefox browser. This year (for 2024 return) when I sign into the site the 1040 form does not display cor… (read more)
I use the IRS form filler to pay my taxes...have for years with Firefox browser. This year (for 2024 return) when I sign into the site the 1040 form does not display correctly. the boxes are to the right and below the actual placement. I emailed IRS who said it is a setting in Firefox. I tried the site using Microsoft EDGE and it displays correctly. I have searched for possible solutions and tried them all like using/on and off excelerator, letting Firefox chose size and colors of sites, turned off Noton etc. I posted another question here but no replies or looks so maybe I did something wrong so I will try to post again. I have W10 fully updated and Firefox too up to date. I understand I could use Edge but never had to and prefer to use Firefox as I have before. any suggestions would be appreciated or where I can report a possible issue with Firefox. I have attached a sample. thank You