For years I have read directions to get my tabs back where is most logical for me, below the Bookmarks Toolbar. Now with this latest version of Firefox the workaroun… (read more)
For years I have read directions to get my tabs back where is most logical for me, below the Bookmarks Toolbar. Now with this latest version of Firefox the workarounds I had before are not working.
To cut a long story short:
I have made a Chrome folder under the Profile folder
I have made CSS sheet with what looks like the commands I need.
I have configured Firefox to read the userChrome.css sheet.
I have followed all the directions on this thread https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1375646 (most of which are repeated elsewhere) and it still doesn't work.
I am beyond frustrated - if anyone happens to know where I can go to request this as blinkin' option I would love to know.
Please could someone help me sort this out in the meantime though?
This is what is in the CSS sheet (which is in the correct place according to the above instructions - checked that already):
Thank you in advance.
/***** START of Sample Rules (delete and replace with your your own rules) *****/
/* TABS: below Navigation Toolbar - fixed for 111/113 */
/* ROOT: VARS */
*|*:root {
--tab-toolbar-navbar-overlap: 0px !important;
--tab-min-height: 27px !important;
--tab-min-width: 80px !important; /*minimum:50px*/
/* --tab-overflow-pinned-tabs-width: 175px */
#TabsToolbar {
display: block !important;
position: absolute !important;
bottom: 0;
width: 100vw !important;
/* Firefox 107 and older *//* #tabbrowser-tabs { width: 100vw !important; } */
/* navigator-toolbox: PADDING */
*|*:root:not([chromehidden*="toolbar"]) #navigator-toolbox {
position: relative !important; /*89*/
padding-bottom: calc(var(--tab-min-height) + 1px) !important; /*ADJUST*/
background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;
.tab-content {
height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
#TabsToolbar {
height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
margin-bottom: 1px !important;
box-shadow: ThreeDShadow 0 -1px inset, -moz-dialog 0 1px !important; /*OPTIONAL*/
background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;
color: var(--toolbar-color) !important;
.titlebar-spacer[type="post-tabs"] {
width: 20px !important;
/* TABS: movingtab - vertical shifts */
#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] > #titlebar > #TabsToolbar {
padding-bottom: unset !important;
#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] #tabbrowser-tabs {
padding-bottom: unset !important;
margin-bottom: unset !important;
#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] > #nav-bar {
margin-top: unset !important;
*|*:root:not([accessibilitymode]) .accessibility-indicator {display: none !important}
*|*:root:not([privatebrowsingmode=temporary]) .private-browsing-indicator {display: none !important}
/* END - TABS below Navigation Toolbar */
/* Colored bookmark sidebar, toolbar, menu button containers */
/* Standard folder */
#bookmarks-view treechildren::-moz-tree-image(title,container),
#PlacesToolbarItems toolbarbutton[container="true"] .toolbarbutton-icon,
#PlacesToolbarItems menu[container="true"] .menu-iconic-left,
#BMB_bookmarksPopup menu[container="true"] .menu-iconic-icon {
fill: gold !important;
/* Smart bookmark folder */
#bookmarks-view treechildren::-moz-tree-image(title, container, query),
#PlacesToolbarItems toolbarbutton[container="true"][query="true"] .toolbarbutton-icon,
#PlacesToolbarItems menu[container="true"][query="true"] .menu-iconic-left,
#BMB_bookmarksPopup menu[container="true"][query="true"] .menu-iconic-icon {
fill: dimtan !important;
/* These "containers" are SVG in the sidebar, not yet on the menu */
#bookmarks-view treechildren::-moz-tree-image(container, queryFolder_menu________) {
fill: tan !important;
#bookmarks-view treechildren::-moz-tree-image(container, queryFolder_menu________) {
fill: tan !important;
#bookmarks-view treechildren::-moz-tree-image(container, queryFolder_unfiled_____) {
fill: tan !important;