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Using 136.0b1 (64-bit) -- Since that update, my YouTube Notifications aren't working

For nearly a year, now, I've been very happily receiving my YouTube comment notifications regularly and quite satisfyingly. Since this latest update, suddenly they are no… (read more)

For nearly a year, now, I've been very happily receiving my YouTube comment notifications regularly and quite satisfyingly. Since this latest update, suddenly they are not showing up in any part of my INBOX, when I check my e-mail.

I've checked all the settings I can find, regarding notifications -- both on YouTube and Thunderbird. I changed a couple of things that shouldn't have made any difference, and they didn't.

I have three YouTube channels, and I tried switching to my earliest one as the "official" one that uses my e-mail sign-in, hoping that that might make things work again. I had it set, before to my Grandma's Got Grace channel (which is my third channel), and that didn't make any difference, either. My other channel is Grandma's Gone Gaming. It also uses for my sign-in. So I didn't bother trying to change over to that one.

I'm still getting ALL (and that's a huge listing every day) of my notifications under the bell, in the YouTube menu, but I don't care for the way those work. I MUCH prefer the way the Thunderbird e-mail has been processing those notifications for quite some time, now ... until the latest update.

This is very frustrating. The change has also affected notifications that I usually get from other channels (those by friends who have their own websites and/or chat channels set up, that allow me to ask for notifications of messages they send me).

I'm getting NO notifications at all, in my Thunderbird app, now. Period.

Asked by lindawing2 3 days ago