Hi !
I'm running Thunderbird 129 (beta) on Win10. Long time user & fan of TB...
Currently, right-clicking on Properties or Compact for any folder won't launch/… (read more)
Hi !
I'm running Thunderbird 129 (beta) on Win10. Long time user & fan of TB...
Currently, right-clicking on Properties or Compact for any folder won't launch/start anything in my TB. Any clue ? Many thanks !
Bit of context:
. I'm running numerous accounts and folders;
. here, I wanted to compact some folders to bring some hygiene to my mail boxes;
. I've been running huge Inboxes (10ks of emails, Inbox file of several GBs... I know, this is BAD ! sorry...)
. some of my folders are starting to show corruption symptoms (dates 1970, rubbish text in preview, nstmp folders...)
. my TB is parametered to compact when 200MB are saved (though I doubt it actually does)
. I used to have msgs requiring me to compact folders, but don't seem to have them any more (maybe the system got tired with my ignoring it ;)
I have read different threads about Compacting (Complications, workaround, Compacting folders...) and folders, but didn't found any solution/workaround.
note: I haven't seen any post reporting this specific issue (right-click menu opens, but functionnalities there -such as Properties or Compact- seem inactive or somehow dis-activated).
I tried disactivating any download, and moved huge nstmp files out of the TB folders (trying to make them somewhat lighter).
Many thanks for your help !