- Archived
How to hide "Shot Copied" Notification PERMANATELY when taking screenshots?
This is a duplicate problem of [[this post|https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1237229]], however the chosen answer is silly and not practical to implement becaus… (read more)
This is a duplicate problem of [[this post|https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1237229]], however the chosen answer is silly and not practical to implement because it requires a setting change after every restart. Yeah I'll try to remember to do that.... NOT!
I have dom.webnotifications.enabled set to false but these annoying notifications still appear. They require user intervention to close. I don't fing want notifications about anything, much less that I screenshotted something. Please tell me how to get rid of this crap so I don't have to download a third party add-on.