A long-standing university email account that I accessed through Thunderbird was recently mistakenly deleted by the institutional administrator and all its contents delet… (read more)
A long-standing university email account that I accessed through Thunderbird was recently mistakenly deleted by the institutional administrator and all its contents deleted. The institution subsequently established a replacement email account for me, but the institutional Help Desk said the emails from the original account had been erased and could no longer be accessed from their server. Fortunately, I had Thunderbird configured to save all my emails on my local machine, so that even though I can no longer log in to the original email account, I can still view the emails in my Thunderbird installation (i.e., open and read them), even though every instance of starting up Thunderbird calls for me to supply the password for the original account (which I can no longer do). So I just close that dialogue box and can still see the emails stored locally on my machine.
I would like to move (or copy) these emails to a location where I can still access them off line and view them in the original organizational scheme (if possible), under the headings "subject," "correspondents," and "Date." But the Thunderbird "archive" feature seems to require that I be able to log on to the institutional server under the original account, which I can no longer do. The only existence of these emails is on my local computer.
Is there a way for me to preserve these emails as an accessible archive/repository so that I can continue having access to them, even though they are no longer in a functioning email account?
Thanks for any suggestions/help.