When I start this computer I keep getting a message from AVG
I keep seeing this message on the attachment, this happens everyday. Not sure what is going on
I keep seeing this message on the attachment, this happens everyday. Not sure what is going on
All Replies (1)
I wonder if you have a Extension with Maestro in name nstalled in your Firefox? https://hp.searchmaestro.co/RemoveExtension
Hmm going to https://hp.searchmaestro.co/firefox/updates has
addons: sp@ManualMaestro updates 0 version "2024.1.3" update_link "https://d3pxa1onb1zy4q.cloudfront.net/web_search_by_manual_maestro-2024.1.3.xpi" sp@websearchbypackagetrackerplus updates 0 version "2024.1.3" update_link "https://d3pxa1onb1zy4q.cloudfront.net/web_search_by_package_tracker_plus-2024.1.3.xpi"