Custom Colour Pallet doesn't save at all (even within the session)
Despite what one contributor claims (that, "saving custom colours outside a session doesn't happen, as it has never been a windows feature") it certainly used to. And I'm talking MS-Paint in Windows 3.11 !
However, back to today... I keep Thunderbird open and minimized as this feature got broken or lost long ago and I need custom colours to be retained. This latest release (115.9.0 (32-bit)), however, has even lost the ability to keep a colour pallet from one email to the next.
Quite frustrating, as I use different colours for different clients. soem have very specific codes, which I have to replicate each time I am about to send.
All Replies (5)
I recall your concern months ago and I filed a bug to have it fixed, and it appears to now be in ver 128, which was released a few days ago.
I haven't raised this before.. However, I notice that I am using T-bird V.115.13.0, and it thinks I am up to date..... where would I find V.128 ?
There are still more 115 updates you have not applied. 115.13 was final release. 128 is available at thunderbird.net
Okaaaay... my Help -> About says I'm up to date. (see attached image) I'll try and reinstall from tbird.net... but I'm more comfotable with graduated updates..
Then wait. The update will be announced shortly. It is there now for people who do not wish to wait.