Unable to access x.com, indeed.com and chatgpt despite passing verification challenges
I am unable to either log in or access accounts on the websites indeed.com, x.com and chatgpt's openai.com
I used different computers (Windows 10 and Windows 11), different networks (Public library and private residence), and different versions of Firefox (125 and 126.0), one browser without any add ons and another with the "uBlock Origin" one, and I kept observing captcha or human authentication related errors.
With x.com, I would pass the human verification challenge (solve 10 puzzles), and then I would get the error "Something went wrong. Due to a technical issue, we couldn't complete this request. Please try again." I recorded my screen, and here you can see the video: https://web.archive.org/web/20240604035149/https://trello.com/1/cards/665e5d995d2e821054d66ac5/attachments/665e638096e76922e1404bd1/download/DISABLEMENT_-_unable_to_log_into_X_despite_passing_10_step_captcha_-_Screen_Recording_-_Made_with_FlexClip_-_20240603T172000PDT_-_shortened.mp4
Could I get some feedback?
All Replies (1)
The developer's drawer console has the following error:
Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an event handler (script-src-attr) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “script-src https://twitter.com https://*.twimg.com https://iframe.arkoselabs.com/ https://ton.twitter.com 'nonce-aPfnDVM9PlojXdC7JIuWcA==' https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/ https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ https://client-api.arkoselabs.com/ https://www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/ 'self'” bouncer_js.592d317ef4d5737a0aff61758a8364f29fd446a3.js:1:57429