Whatsappweb - chat - how download names and phones
Hello everyone! I use Firefox 102.12.0esr (64 bit) on my Macbook and I would like to download the names and phones of the chats I’ve joined on Whatsapp.
It can be done by hand and by taking screenshots (of course), but if there are dozens of contacts it is a problem. :(
On the net I've found that with a Chrome extension you can do it (I assume) easily, but -if possible- I'd like to avoid Chrome which I really don't like. ... but if there are no alternatives .... I’ll make a virtue of necessity!
So I ask if anyone knows and has already done this with Firefox. I specify that I haven't found anything suitable in the list of FF extensions (I use an almost "clean" FF, ie I only have three or four add-ons).
Off-thread comment Despite assuming that FF is still one of the most widespread and popular browsers - updates of even the most important extensions and add-ons always lag behind FF updates or even this items aren’t updated at all. I fear that this aspect will lead to a progressive shift from FF to Chrome and obviously this is a pity (even if I'm not a compulsive user of extensions!!). Don’t you agree? (Sorry for this complaint!)
Looking forward to your suggestions about my request. Thank you very much
All Replies (1)
WhatsApp isn't a Firefox software. You need to contact WhatsApp support related to your question. Also Extensions or Addon for either Chrome or Firefox is based on the Addon Developer - Firefox only hosts the Addon and if there is Addon issue that is up to the developer to address the problems. Addons for Chrome doesn't always exists for Firefox. You should ask that Extension you referring to make a version for Firefox if they choose to or not.