Update to a new version

Tega članka se ne vzdržuje več, tako da je njegova vsebina morda zastarela.

Excited about getting the latest Firefox OS system and app updates? Your device is set to automatically check for updates every day, week or month, but you can manually check at any time. Here's how:

Note: Your device manufacturer, together with your service provider, is responsible for providing Firefox OS system updates to you.

  1. Tap on the SettingsSettings- 2.0 (small)Settings 1.4Settings 1.3 app on your device.
  2. Scroll down to the Device section and select Device information.
  3. On the Device information screen, tap Check now. This button will be greyed out if there are no updates available.
    Check for FxOS Updates
  4. If an update is available, it will appear in your notification bar at the top of the screen in a few moments. Tap on the notification to begin the download and installation process.

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