I made something amazing, how do I get it featured on the homepage?

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 44240
  • Created:
  • Creator: JakeMakes
  • Comment: THIS IS A DRAFT article for the new Webmaker product on SUMO. Please don't touch, it will be moved soon once the Webmaker product is ready :)
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
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Revision Content
NOTE: This article is a stub at the moment. The full content is being written, come back soon!

Every week we feature new makes on the homepage of webmaker.org and broadcast them out to our social media channels.

Your chances of getting featured are greatly increased by doing the following:

Share your make on Twitter using the #makerparty hashtag

You will not only get our attention but you will also showcase your work among other makers.

Make sure it has a clear title, description, and thumbnail

The title should be catchy and accurately describe what the person is about to watch.

Also fill out the description field and give it a beautiful 500x500 pixel thumbnail.

Give your content some relevant tags so others can find it better

Be sure to include the #makerparty tag wherever you can. Here are some instructions on how to tag your work in Popcorn Maker and Thimble.

  • In Popcorn Maker, go to the 'Project' tab after saving your project and notice the field at the bottom that asks for tags. Separate them with a comma (no spaces) with things that help identify your project, i.e. cats,texas,cowboy,hilarious
  • On Thimble, you can add a special meta tag between the <head> </head> section of your webpage that adds them to the webmaker.org search engine. Make sure you have one line for each tag. It should look something like this:
<meta content="cats" name="webmaker:tags">

<meta content="texas" name="webmaker:tags"> <meta content="cowboy" name="webmaker:tags">

<meta content="hilarious" name="webmaker:tags">