How can I use Thimble to teach myself to code?

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An easy way to get started is to remix one of the starter projects found on the Thimble homepage.

Hit the Remix button on a starter project. You’ll see the following panes:

  • The left pane shows the files included in the project. For instance, you might see one file for HTML, one for CSS and another for JavaScript. If you click on different files, it changes what appears in the other two panes.
  • The middle pane shows the code for whichever file is currently selected.
  • The right pane shows a preview of what the page will look like on a web browser or mobile device.

In each of the starter makes, the right pane can be toggled to view a Tutorial for the project. Click the word “Tutorial” in the grey bar above the preview pane to see step-by-step instructions for how to remix the project.

Don't forget, you can remix anything created on Thimble, so if you see something created by others that you also want to make, hit the Remix button and see how they did it!




Illustration of hands


