Font size and zoom - increase the size of web pages

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 15278
  • Created:
  • Creator: Nic Matthew
  • Comment: Added toolbar changes in fx4+
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
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Revision Content

Page Zoom is a feature which allows you to increase or decrease the size of web pages to improve readability.

How To Use Page Zoom


  • To zoom in, increasing the page size, press and hold commandCtrl while pressing &#43.
  • To zoom out, decreasing the page size, press and hold commandCtrl while pressing -.
  • To reset page size back to normal, press and hold commandCtrl while pressing 0.


If your mouse has a scroll wheel, press and hold Ctrl while scrolling up to zoom in and down to zoom out.


  1. Press the Alt key to temporarily bring up the traditional Firefox menus. Click the View menu, then go to Zoom.
    Windows XP:
    At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click the View menu, then go to Zoom.
  2. Select either Zoom In, Zoom Out, or Reset for their corresponding action.
    • You can choose Zoom Text Only, which will make the controls only apply to text, not images.


  1. Right-click on an empty space on your toolbar, and select Customize...
  2. In the Customize Toolbar window, click and drag the "Zoom Controls" toolbar item to the desired place on your toolbar.
  3. Click Done to save the changes to your toolbar.
  4. You can now use the + magnifying glass icon on the toolbar to zoom in, and the - magnifying glass icon on the toolbar to zoom out.