Using Firefox with a 64-bit Operating System

Tutón nastawk so hižo njewothladuje, jeho wobsah móhł tuž zestarjeny być.

Firefox will work on 64-bit versions of Windows, but it is not a 64-bit application. See system requirements for details on all supported systems.

For details on how to install, see How to install Firefox on Windows.

Mozilla is working on providing 64-bit versions for Firefox 5.

Firefox 4 is an i386/x86_64 universal binary. The default architecture on Mac OS X 10.6 and above is 64-bit. The default architecture on Mac OS X 10.5 is i386. See system requirements for details on supported systems.

For details on how to install, see How to download and install Firefox on Mac.

Firefox 3.6 will work on 64-bit versions of Mac OS X, but it is not a 64-bit application. See system requirements for details on supported systems.

Firefox 4 will run in 64-bit mode. For details on how to update Firefox, see Update Firefox to the latest release.

There is a x86_64 binary of Firefox 4 to run on 64-bit versions of Linux. See system requirements for details on supported systems.

For details on how to install, see Install Firefox on Linux.

Firefox 3.6 will work on 64-bit versions of Linux, but it is not a 64-bit application. See system requirements for details on supported systems.

Firefox 4 will run in 64-bit mode. For details on how to update Firefox, see Update Firefox to the latest release.

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