Firefox crashes due to Adware-DoubleD

Овај чланак се више не одржава, па његов садржај може бити застарео.

The template "crashsig" does not exist or has no approved revision. NPFFAddOn.dll@0x11867, NPFFAddOn.dll@0xceb8, NPFFAddOn.dll@0x11657, PFFAddOn.dll@0xe707, NPFFAddOn.dll@0xe590, woutput_l
Crashes with any of the above signatures are a result of your computer containing malicious software.

The most common cause of this problem is Adware.DoubleD. For steps to resolve problems with Firefox and malware, see Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware.

To prevent problems like this, do not download toolbars, screen savers, or applications from websites you aren't familiar with.

For troubleshooting other types of Firefox crashes, see Troubleshoot Firefox crashes (closing or quitting unexpectedly).

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