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Facebook scrolling out of control

Currently @ Ver. 102.0.1 Problem remains. Since the update to 102.0 my Win10 PC has problems with the page update. When the scroll slider gets near the bottom the page, n… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Currently @ Ver. 102.0.1 Problem remains. Since the update to 102.0 my Win10 PC has problems with the page update. When the scroll slider gets near the bottom the page, new images begin to load. This reload results in 3-15+ newly loaded Fb posts scrolling past so fast as to be invisible. I have to keep my cursor on the scroll slider and, when the loading begins, start scrolling up if I want to have any chance to easily find the last post I was reading. I have seen this behavior, grossly exaggerated, when I was viewing a video. The reload caused the viewing to pause and upwards of 15 newly loaded posts scrolled past in this rapid manner. My work requires that I am able to view pages of Facebook posts and this is now massively time-consuming and intolerable. I may have to change browsers in spite of my reluctance to do so.

Ερώτηση από Helium2 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από Helium2 2 έτη πριν

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Log ins lost every time I start FireFox - only started happening recently.

I've checked a couple of the "similar topics" before posting here. I'm not sure if I am having the same problem or something else. Back Story: I have a "few" windows an… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I've checked a couple of the "similar topics" before posting here. I'm not sure if I am having the same problem or something else.

Back Story: I have a "few" windows and tabs open in FireFox. I would finish what I was doing, shut down and then the next time I booted up and loaded FireFox, all sessions would be restored and all log ins honoured (kept). That is: I was still logged in.

(Moving to now) Yesterday I powered up and ALL sites were logged out. About 20 log ins were needed. Hmmmmm... gmail, and the rest.

"Ok... something happened. No problems, things should be ok from now. I've logged in, so all is sweet."

Today I power up: All logs ins lost. Had to go through it all again.

Gmail is throwing security alerts at me hand over fist. Yeah, that is good in some ways. I get that part. But I've logged in.

Seems - my thoughts - that the cookies aren't being saved. But why? I haven't touched them or their settings.

Yes, I did do a clean out of older cookies. But left the gmail ones, and other sites I know I use. I have `adblocker ultimate` installed.

Now I am logged in, if I open the `cookies` and look I should see them there for the sites to which I am logged in - yes?

To be clear: When I am done, I do NOT `exit` FireFox. All windows, tabs, sessions are left. I just shut down the machine. Then next time I load FireFox and they are re-loaded and log ins are maintained.

Ερώτηση από teeny_weeny 2 έτη πριν

Απάντηση από cor-el 2 έτη πριν

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Color PDFs viewing as black and white – This is a brand new problem!

I noticed today that all my color PDFs are viewing as black and white. For years they were fine, presenting as color. This is a serious problem, as I am a graphic designe… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I noticed today that all my color PDFs are viewing as black and white. For years they were fine, presenting as color. This is a serious problem, as I am a graphic designer and have many PDFs on my portfolio. I am also seeing the same problem with PDFs linked to my clients' sites.

Images on PDFs are still in color. It's the flat color graphics created in InDesign exported to PDF. Oddly enough, gradients (originally created in InDesign as well) are still presenting as color, but only the gradients.

I do not have this problem in Safari, nor in other browsers, but Firefox has been my go-to browser for years. I never had a problem until I noticed today. Firefox updated two days ago. I'm on a Mac and I now have Firefox version 102.01, as it updates automatically.

Thank you for attending to this issue.

Ερώτηση από pinkjaykitty 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από cor-el 2 έτη πριν

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I am absolutely FURIOUS extension no longer work or icons appear (ublock, avast, etc)

Hello I am trying so hard to contain my anger, I am so angry and frustrated i am finding it hard to get help and i am in just dispare over this i have spend days trying … (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Hello I am trying so hard to contain my anger, I am so angry and frustrated i am finding it hard to get help and i am in just dispare over this i have spend days trying myself to fix this i dont know what do anymore i am so very very angry, i am beyond fury with this i cant get any help i just cant believe this is happening

Ερώτηση από info7653 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από info7653 2 έτη πριν

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Deleting the corrupted email address which is prompted

When I try to log in to websites, three different usernames are prompted. One is my correct Gmail address, one is my correct mobile phone number, and the third is my corr… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

When I try to log in to websites, three different usernames are prompted. One is my correct Gmail address, one is my correct mobile phone number, and the third is my correct Gmail address with 'joseph' appended in the case of Firefox, but 'busy' in the case of Chrome. How can I delete that corrupted prompt from Firefox ?

Ερώτηση από Joseph Philippa 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από Joseph Philippa 2 έτη πριν

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Why can't we customize the keyboard shortcuts?

Hello, I have been using Firefox as my main browser for more than a decade. One could say i am some Mozilla fanboy, having convinced many of my friends and relatives to u… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Hello, I have been using Firefox as my main browser for more than a decade. One could say i am some Mozilla fanboy, having convinced many of my friends and relatives to use Firefox instead of any chrome based options (Which there are to many these days). It struck me today, as i was reworking some workflow elements in many programs i use daily, that it is impossible to change any key binding in Firefox anymore. I know it has been a while now, and i searched all over the web for an answer or a solution, but at this point it is clear that other than going in the code and recompiling Firefox manually, it is not possible. I stumbled upon the (only) extension that allows to change some shortcuts, but the two that i wanted to change are impossible to configure from it, being disabling only f12 as i would use it for other things but i do not want to lose the dev console and also ctrl+L to open the address bar, it is quite inconvenient and would much prefer to use ctrl+spacebar as it matches many other bindings i am using with other software. There have been many other features that were changed in the recent years that made me start to look for an alternative, as i see features melting away almost as quickly as the user base of the product.

I do understand that one person's problem is not going to change the way a big piece of software is working, but i am wondering, why are the users losing such features as basic as customizing key bindings in a piece of software that used to be so incredibly customizable in the past? Why is the only viable option to anything chrome based losing it's edge over the competition? Is Firefox v150 be based on the chromium engine or will it die before?

Thank you in advance, and no, i don't need the link to the shortcut page, i already have it.

Ερώτηση από DoubleWookie 2 έτη πριν

Απάντηση από Terry 2 έτη πριν

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Gmail site doesn't open despite Youtube and Translator sites are ok, even on Chrome Browser

em pt-br: Olá Devido ao fato do Chrome não manter minhas credenciais e toda vez que eu iniciava este browser eu tinha que fornecer meu login e senha além do fato do Sup… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

em pt-br:


Devido ao fato do Chrome não manter minhas credenciais e toda vez que eu iniciava este browser eu tinha que fornecer meu login e senha além do fato do Suporte deles não ter resolvido o problema, eu decidi mudar para o Firefox apesar de não ser o mais legal nem prático e intuitivo para se navegar como o Opera e o Vivaldi, mas sim por popularidade.

-O problema: Desde ontem, a página do Gmail não abre, isto é, mostra uma página totalmente em branco conforme anexo, apesar do link estar correto e, na verdade, eu utilizar os links dos Favoritos para diminuir a digitação e aumentar a agilidade.

-Minhas tentativas de solução: Eu desabilitei todas as extensões do Firefox (eu eu já utilizava mesmo antes do problema ocorrer); Eu executei uma limpeza geral utilizando o CCleaner; Eu abri o Chrome e, para variar, me loguei (por causa do problema mencionado acima) e a página do Gmail é exibida corretamente com todos os e-mails de hoje; Eu copiei este link do Gmail, no Chrome, para utilizar no Firefox porque estavam diferentes mas mesmo assim o problema persiste.

Acabaram as ideias


PS: Como inserir mais imagens porque só uma é permitida?

english: Hello

Due to Chrome not keeping my credentials and every time I started this browser I had to provide my login and password in addition to the fact that their Support didn't solve the problem, I decided to switch to Firefox despite not being the coolest not practical and intuitive to navigate like Opera and Vivaldi, but by popularity.

-The problem: Since yesterday, the Gmail page does not open, that is, it shows a completely blank page as attached, although the link is correct and, in fact, I use the Favorites links to reduce typing and increase agility.

-My solution attempts: I disabled all Firefox extensions (I was using them even before the problem occurred for the first time); I performed a general cleanup using CCleaner; I opened Chrome and for a change I logged in (because of the problem mentioned above) and the Gmail page displays correctly with all of today's emails; I copied this link from Gmail, in Chrome, to use in Firefox because they were different but the problem still persists.

the ideas finished


PS: how to insert more images because only one is allowed? (joined printscreens)

Ερώτηση από Theosz 2 έτη πριν

Απάντηση από Theosz 2 έτη πριν

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Can't find the Gmail app so that online "mailto" links will open in Gmail

Greetings, I've checked a few articles in Firefox to help with my question, but none of them are helping. (Here's the main article: http://example.com.) Here's the situa… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Greetings, I've checked a few articles in Firefox to help with my question, but none of them are helping. (Here's the main article: http://example.com.) Here's the situation. Say I go to a website's Contact page and click the button to contact someone, a window appears and asks me what app I want to use to open the email. Gmail is my default email, and Firefox is my default browser, and I use Windows 10. When I open the window of options (see attached screenshot) to open the email, and I then click "Choose Other Application" (other than Firefox), I don't see the Gmail app anywhere. I then followed the directions in that link above to check my Windows settings, per its suggestion, which I did ... but in those settings, too, I got to a point where the directions no longer matched what I'm seeing on my screen. I didn't see the Gmail app anywhere. Could you let me know in simple layperson's terms how to open Gmail links in Firefox? I don't have a PhD in computer science, so please keep it very simple. Thanks in advance! Best wishes, Bill

Ερώτηση από BillSiever 2 έτη πριν

Απάντηση από jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 έτη πριν

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Extra Pane With Emain Secure Login And Firefox v102

GCI.com is a service provider in my area. I have only an Email account with them. At the Login of my Email account,the Firefox Browser 'displays an extra old w98 pane .' … (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

GCI.com is a service provider in my area. I have only an Email account with them. At the Login of my Email account,the Firefox Browser 'displays an extra old w98 pane .' This is at the Secure Log In where you enter your Web Mail Pass Word. If the Password has been saved with Firefox - the 'Mouse click selection of the Account (User Name)_ drifts horizontally along this Panes edge.

I contacted GCI support,and they simply suggested that I use 'Chrome,or Microsofts Edge Browser. I cannot prevent high band Videos with those Browsers on this Windows 10 computer. I simply do not know what is being 'Allowed with them,and what is not. Typically I utilize a 'Hot Spot with this Internet Connection,and do not have Data Band in a months allotment. So my Browsing is conservative. My phone is a non-contract ATT paygo phone. Do with this most itenarant is out of the way for Troubleshooting.

I have Photos of the GCI.com Web Site interaction,and I have the 'HTML code from the GCI.Com secure sign on Web Page. As it looks while loaded and interacting. Which I will add here.

 - I have loaded the Web Site from different machines W10. 
       [ ]Same result occured
- I have considered reinstalling the Firefox Browser (until above).
- Right now I am considering a Code Problem. And what approach to take.

[ ] It would be simple for the Firefox support to simply load the Firefox Browser,while visiting the GCI.com Website,Email Login. And view if at your Location,the situation occurs for the Firefox Troubleshooting Team. If this does not occur at other persons Frequent with their own Firefox Browser. I do not know what I will do.Or reason this would occur only on my Firefox instalation.Or my location .

Upload A PDF File To Firefox Troubleshooting

[ ] Im aware of all the Security Problems with todays Internet. I was certain I could see the HTML 'frame within the Web Site Code,But cannot see a way to Upload the PDF File at this writing.

[ ] I'll note that upon Entry Of a Saved Password,this Window will Drift the Entry on the Vertical Bar. Im discussing. I have not selected this Drifting password,along this Vertical axis bar at this Extra Pane.

..mike.. [edited email from public] @gci.net ..

Ερώτηση από Mike 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από Mike 2 έτη πριν

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can not access web interface with router

Up until the last update of Firefox I was able to access my router,, enter password and check it. Now I get an error message "connection not secure" "Your co… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Up until the last update of Firefox I was able to access my router,, enter password and check it.

Now I get an error message "connection not secure" "Your connection to this site is not private. Information you submit could be viewed by others (like passwords, messages, credit cards, etc.)

None of this is part of looking at my router, Asus GT-AX11000.

Ερώτηση από focuspuller 2 έτη πριν

Απάντηση από focuspuller 2 έτη πριν

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Github shortcuts

Lately, when I try to create a desktop shortcut from the Github website, it instead create a folder, with the correct title of the page, and what looks like a link inside… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

Lately, when I try to create a desktop shortcut from the Github website, it instead create a folder, with the correct title of the page, and what looks like a link inside, with an abbreviated website name, but is not a shortcut at all.

Example: Try dragging the address bar padlock from this page to your desktop

Welcome to Refined GitHub!

Same thing happens when I try to drag its bookmark to the desktop.

Creating the shortcut from Chrome works properly, so I assume this is a Firefox problem.

Ερώτηση από noel_envode 2 έτη πριν

Απάντηση από cor-el 2 έτη πριν

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Connection not secure message

I have this problem. It just showed up after installing a brand new ARRIS modem exactly like the one I had. "Your connection is not secure" error when trying to log in to… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I have this problem. It just showed up after installing a brand new ARRIS modem exactly like the one I had. "Your connection is not secure" error when trying to log in to my modem's login page at the local address. There are several fixes that I saw, none seem to help. Tried the SSL refresh and it screwed up the browser. Now I get to figure out how I had it set up before the "refresh". Like I said this just started in Firefox and it prevents me from accessing the modem console period. If I use Edge it does not block me. (yuk) It does show a "Not Secure" message in the address bar but it will allow me to access my Modem. Why cant we get a fix for this. Its a local web address not on the internet. Should be a way to add to a allow local address list and ignore certificates or whatever else is causing it to block access.....

Email me when someone answers the thread seems to be broken on this page. I would like a email please so I can find a response.

[email removed from public]

Thanks! Roger

Ερώτηση από bowtieperformance 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από bowtieperformance 2 έτη πριν

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Can't click "copy song link" in Spotify

I suddenly can't click the "copy song link" item in Spotify anymore. It worked fine last week and works normally in Chrome. It also fails in Troubleshoot Mode and after … (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I suddenly can't click the "copy song link" item in Spotify anymore. It worked fine last week and works normally in Chrome.

It also fails in Troubleshoot Mode and after clearing Startup Cache.

Firefox 102.0 (64 bit) on Windows 10

Ερώτηση από CortJstr 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από rajveerwolf24 2 έτη πριν

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Website not displaying.

The www.nzherald.co.nz website pages wont display using Firefox MacOS. Just comes up blank. The website works fine on other browsers and ios Firefox. Have tried deleting … (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

The www.nzherald.co.nz website pages wont display using Firefox MacOS. Just comes up blank. The website works fine on other browsers and ios Firefox. Have tried deleting the cache.

Ερώτηση από info7723 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από jonzn4SUSE 2 έτη πριν

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Firefox is redirecting customers to another link

On my video gallery page, some of my videos are stand alone and others are a series of two or more videos. When you click on the series, it takes you to the page where al… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

On my video gallery page, some of my videos are stand alone and others are a series of two or more videos. When you click on the series, it takes you to the page where all the ones in the series are housed, but then when you click on one of the videos in that series, I receive a prompt from FIREFOX: Receiving prompt on my created web site "FIREFOX CAN'T OPEN THIS PAGE" Open site in new window...

This totally messes up my ease of use for customers and is keeping them from following through. I would like this feature disabled if possible. Any work around for this?

Thank you for any help and consideration! -Carol Ragsdale ([email]@msn.com) www.westmarionbaptistchurch.com

Ερώτηση από cragsdale231 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 έτη πριν

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Problem with NY Times loading

The New York Times is only partially loading with white space on the bottom. The same with article links. The ad blocker is off. I deleted the cookies. This just started … (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

The New York Times is only partially loading with white space on the bottom. The same with article links. The ad blocker is off. I deleted the cookies. This just started happening a few days ago. Can go back from article to home page either. Other sites are working. NY Times works on Chrome.

Ερώτηση από msljy 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από cor-el 2 έτη πριν

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Outlook does not open when I use Firefox

Hello, When I try to open Outlook by using Firefox it does not. (Installed MS Office 365). When I use Microsoft Edge it does open so I can read the messages. I cleared t… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)


When I try to open Outlook by using Firefox it does not. (Installed MS Office 365). When I use Microsoft Edge it does open so I can read the messages. I cleared the cache and it works the first time but when I try to access it again, it does not work. It just not upload the message.

Thank you, Dorina Grossu

Ερώτηση από dgrossu 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από jonzn4SUSE 2 έτη πριν

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Cannot install Dashlane extension

I've been using Dashlane for a long while. It stopped working, so I deleted it to try to solve the problem. When I tried to re-install it, it won't work. I just keep gett… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

I've been using Dashlane for a long while. It stopped working, so I deleted it to try to solve the problem. When I tried to re-install it, it won't work. I just keep getting an error about it being corrupted. I've restarted the computer, closed Firefox. It's the same. Dashlane tried to trouble shoot with me, but they have not solved it either. It worked on Google Chrome, but I cannot get it to work on Firefox. Firefox is my browser! I need help to get Dashlane installed and working on it.

Ερώτηση από jjanderson403 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από jjanderson403 2 έτη πριν

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Firefox uses too much memory because the Windows Task manager shows me that I'm using 28 tabs even though I am only using 15

This problem is causing my whole PC to stutter and LAG whenever I want to play games here is a screenshots of the task manager I tried to close it one by one by "end ta… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)

This problem is causing my whole PC to stutter and LAG whenever I want to play games

here is a screenshots of the task manager

I tried to close it one by one by "end task" option but still, every time I open Firefox again these tabs or whatever they are are back and using memory more than any browser

Ερώτηση από s.l.o.o.o.m_92 2 έτη πριν

Τελευταία απάντηση από s.l.o.o.o.m_92 2 έτη πριν